anyone read SURVIVOR by chuck palahniuk?

by doogie 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • amac

    I've only read Choke and can't say I was a big fan of it...Survivor sounds interesting though, I'll have to look for it...

    And that Survivor thing sounds funny, haven't seen it but sounds funny. My friend is a radio DJ and Survivor did a free concert a week ago, so he had them in and they did that to one of the DJs names on the air. They should just sell custom recordings of them chanting people's names to that song, they might finally get rich....

  • RR

    Doogie, I've seen it. Loved it


  • DanTheMan

    A lot of people seem to like the book Fight Club. I haven't read it or seen the movie. Thanks for the recommendations.

    Yeah, those commercials with Survivor are funny. I thought they were for some power drink.

  • SYN

    Survivor was OK, although the ending seemed a bit empty IMHO. It also wasn't as polished as Fight Club. Fight Club is still one of my top ten books of all time, of course. I just loved that grab-you-by-the-short-and-curlies style of writing, but it gets a bit grating and repetitive in his later work.

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