Promises From the Dead

by Farkel 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    Charles Taze Russell promised us we would never die. He's dead.

    Joseph Franklin Rutherford promised us we would never die. He's dead.

    Nathan Homer Knorr promised us we would never die. He's dead.

    Fredrick William Franz promised us we would never die. He's dead.

    Milton Gentile Henschel promised we would never die. He's dead.

    The current "Governing Body" promises us we will never die. They are nearly dead.

    Is there something wrong with this picture?


  • WildHorses

    Well, they knew they would be dead before anyone would catch on to their lies.

  • Robdar

    It all depends on how you look at the picture and what the artist was trying to imply, don't ya think?

    Maybe there is nothing wrong with ze picture because the ze picture was meant to be ironic and full of poignancy and contradiction. Perhaps ze American audience is too silly to "get it"? Perhaps it is a French piece, oui?

  • shamus

    I think, Farkel, the WTBTS keeps on re-inventing itself. That's how I got suckered in... (which I take full responsibility for, BTW...)

    When I got in, the 1975 thing was just a bunch of rumours and big unknowns... (believe me, I asked). They never told me what it was really like... only that some people went off the deep end, and it was a 'sifting work'. They really downplayed how crazy those bastards were, and focused on the future. Throw in some brain disfunction (depression), and I was hooked. Not until I was out of the org (and went against the elders and got help for my depression) did I learn the real truth about these events.

    Yes, there is something seriously wrong with this picture. The problem is the WTBTS keeps on re-inventing itself for the new recruits! That is why after you and I have gone, it will still be here, preaching the end is near... the end is near....

    Of that I have no doubt.

  • dh

    that's the thing though, the current 'we' or 'flock' is always alive.

  • JCanon

    Hi Farkel...

    Jesus said..."Some standing here will not die.." until he arrived. Among those would be John and Paul.

    They're still alive. I've seen Paul myself, personally.

    Sooo....depends on whose making the claims I guess.

    Being on the "inside" has its advantages, I must say.


  • shamus
    I've seen Paul myself, personally.

    Hey, ask him if we wants to come on over for some wine. I feel like getting liquoured up tonight, and haven't seen the Apostle Paul for quite some time.

    Hey, how is John doing? Is he still smoking hash?

  • Farkel


    : They're still alive. I've seen Paul myself, personally.

    Was he in a gay bar? People have often wondered about Paul and his sexual orientation. Did you do your "Diana Ross" routine for him? Did he like it? Did you and he do the "nasty" together? Did he ever explain his "abstain from blood" statement so that we modern humans can understand what he really meant about that?

    Curious minds need to know these things. I'm glad that the Apostle Paul is well and alive and walking on this planet as we speak. I just hope he's not living in a dumpster and still looking to find your lost wallet. If he is, then God is a really cruel God who takes prophets and makes them look for your lost wallet, BibleTwit.


  • JCanon

    Hi Far-kel.... Do you know that "farkael" means in Rustinian? No? You're still the most charming person here, beside yourself. Anyway, regarding Paul?

    Was he in a gay bar?

    No. I'd tell you where I met him but that would be telling you too much about the JIOR meeting places so I can't. But he is gay. All that "my mind wants to do good but my body bad..." was about those gay emotions.

    People have often wondered about Paul and his sexual orientation.

    He's a "eunuch", he's "gay" for the most part. Meaning not interested in a romantic relationship with a woman as most men.

    Did you do your "Diana Ross" routine for him? Did he like it?

    Actually, you know, since I think he would have been following me and since I did perform as Diana Roos on national television, he probably did see my Ross act. But we were not concerned with that when we met. I think it was "distressing" to see me in dressed as a woman for most of the anointed. They knew, probably, I was "compensating" for some severe pain in my life. Isn't that what dragqeens are about, facing their predicament?

    Did you and he do the "nasty" together?

    Watch it! Your psychosexual adolescence is showing...

    Did he ever explain his "abstain from blood" statement so that we modern humans can understand what he really meant about that?

    Oh, are some people not understanding his statement? It's the "Jewish way" to make two conflicting statements and have us figure out how both can work. It's simple. When you're around Jews back then, abstain, when you're around pagans, do whatever you want. This was a "stumbling" issue not a covenant issue. There was no more "clean" and "unclean", that was abolished. But because people, the Jews, were used to this and still had issues with it, it was more honorable not to exercise all your "freedoms" in their presence out of respect for their "weak" conscience. And for the harmony of the congregation a "rule" was set up to abstain from blood, etc. But that's was around the Jews in that situation just for the harmony of the congregation. Under other circumstances, just the opposite would apply. If it would be rude not to eat something a pagan friend was serving you just because it had blood in it, you were to eat and not worry about your "conscience". I thought that was clear.

    The basic reference , in case you missed it, is that eating blood was not a sin, what you eat or drink does not defile you (and that includes smoking tobacco!). But out of respect for some with weaker consciences, you consider them first over your "freedom" and thus if they had an issue with it, you would refrain. Since so many Jews had been used to this and had this conscience for so long, the elders decided to simply have everybody abstain from blood as a general rule for the time being under the circumstances. That's all.

    Curious minds need to know these things.


    I'm glad that the Apostle Paul is well and alive and walking on this planet as we speak.

    Yes he is. Probably up to some deep undercover stuff related to the kingdom anointed ones, but whatever...

    I just hope he's not living in a dumpster and still looking to find your lost wallet.

    See, there. You always get my story mixed up. I was "running away" with my laptop computer in a briefcase and all the money I had, about $300. Someone was supposed to exchange clothes with me and pretend to be me. They were supposed to be in the dumpster. I took off my clothes and put them in this box that was provided that said: "Toxic waste" or something with a warning. But it was a brand new box. But nobody was in there even though I saw someone with a bag just before. That was a trick to get me into the dumpster. Anyway, after two days I was deliriously roaming around in just my shorts and a tee-shirt and bare feet basically until I finally called my parents, frantic about me since it seemed to them I might have committed suicide or something. The next morning my father took me to the dumpster and across the street the dump truck was waiting to destroy the evidence and he remarked on that. But I RETRIEVED my money, my laptop and briefcase and everything else.

    Finally, it was SYMBOLIC. Zechariah describes the Messiah as coming before God with befouled garments and getting the crown of heaven to become the Messiah. That is, of all the choices God had, he chooses the prodigal son, which is like taking someone out of the trash and making them the Messiah. So that's the symbolism of the dumpster was. The above-ground tomb out of which the Messiah comes forth with filthy garments. Obviously, after being in the dumpster, I had filthy garments to match the prophecy. You've got to try to get past the 13-year old concept of the dumpster, Farkel, though, indeed, I realize that's a challenge for you, but still....

    If he is, then God is a really cruel God who takes prophets and makes them look for your lost wallet, BibleTwit. Farkel

    I didn't loose my wallet. Any anyway it doesn't matter. Just between you and me, God wants me to stay dirt poor for some reason. EXCEPT when I need money. When I was in Vegas, out of money, I was doing my usual routine there and I "found" 40 dollars on the floor! Wow! Do you know how long you can play nickels with forty bucks!!! But I guess I needed to be in the casinos longer that day. Anyway, God brings money to me all the time and then has me give it away, so the money is never an issue. Case in point, my former boss, who really appreciated me, gave me $8,000! to help me buy a new car. I personally know at least two people who have more than twenty million dollars and others who are millionaires. So if I really "needed" it, money is not far from me. I'm not supposed to worry about money.

    Lots doesn't make sense to you, but it's not supposed to.

    You know, lots is going on. God requires some to actually bow to me, not sure why. So they just arrange to drop something in front of me, anything, really, and that means they must bow down and pick it up. That's how it looks to outsiders.


  • El blanko
    El blanko
    No. I'd tell you where I met him but that would be telling you too much about the JIOR meeting places so I can't. But he is gay. All that "my mind wants to do good but my body bad..." was about those gay emotions.

    I can understand why you are relating those scriptures to being gay, because you are simply using a set of scripture to justify your own feelings and sexual orientation. Accept that and my respect grows.

    To me, those scriptures are a look at our sinful state and how that sinful state creates an inner struggle against the goodness we wish to perform in this life. Whether that goodness be a simple struggle to express loving sentiments towards our parents or maybe tend to the needs of our children and put aside selfish pursuits.

    Paul may have had issues with lusting after young girls, why does he have to be gay? (if you want to reduce those scriptures to a gross level). How do you know?

    Although you can retort - "Well, I have met him". To which I say, "prove it".

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