When did you think Armageddon would come?

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  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    Maybe Armageddon staretd in 1914 and maybe Satan won and that is why things are like they are. Just maybe instead of God kicking Satan out of the heavens in 1914, suppose Satan won the battle and was able to come down to earth to cause all the hell and confusion, and to take it a step further just suppose that the Bible and Religion is Satans biggest tool of all to cause confusion and division and hate.

    Then again maybe Armageddon started in 1914 and the war is still going on right now.

    Just some thoughts from my very twisted mind.

    "The Christian god can easily be pictured as virtually the same god as the many ancient gods of past civilizations. The Christian god is a three headed monster; cruel, vengeful and capricious. If one wishes to know more of this raging, three headed beast-like god, one only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him. They are always of two classes: fools and hypocrites."
    -- Thomas Jefferson

    "Revelation is a communication of something which the person to whom the thing id revealed did not know before. For if I have done, a thing, or seen it done, it needs no Revelation to tell me, I have done or seen it done nor enable me to tell it or write it. Revelation therefore cannot be applied to anything done upon earth, of which man is himself actor or witness and
    consequently all the historical part of the Bible which is almost the whole of it, is not within the meaning and compass of the word Revelation and therefore is not the Word of God."-- Thomas Paine The Age of Reason

  • NameWithheld

    The whole 'it'll be before I go to school, no before I go to high school, no before I get graduate, get married, have kids, have grandkids" thing REALLY piss's me off. I've seen 3 generations waste their lives like this, and can't let it go now 'cause they're too old to make a fresh start in life (or so they think).

    As for me, I always hoped the big 'A' would be latter rather then sooner as I had it pounded into my head that I was scum and no deserving of life. I had horrible secret sins such as the evil masturbation, watching R rated movies and the like. I knew from my studies that there was NO way Jah would want anything to do with me due to these thing, so I figured I was a gonner from an early age. What a way to help your mental health :)

    Really I always figured it was a ways off, since the 'tribulation' had to start first, etc. But I did hold to the 'generation' thing being true, which is one of the biggest reasons I really got my eyes opened when they changed it. I simply though 'how convenient' (insert Church Lady voice :) ) when they made THAT change. It was the beginning of my real life ...

    It's a big shocker though to realize you ARE going to get old and die though isn't it?

  • Fredhall

    My answer,

    Read Matthew 24:14.

  • joelbear

    If you go by Matthew 24:14 then the end is waaaay off since witnesses are nowhere close to having reached all the inhabited earth with a witness. That is, if you consider China and basically all of the Muslim and Hindu world inhabited.


  • Fredhall


    China is opening up slowly. The preaching work is doing fine there too. Moreover, Indonesia just open it's doors to us.

  • Simon

    It was going to come before I started high-school. I remember everyone telling me. I would naver have to go.

    It's been about 17 years since I left !

    BTW Java - I love that 'leaflet'

  • comment

    Some Witnesses try to explain away China by claiming it already got a witness in the early years of the 20th century when the work wasn't banned. Of course, this disregards the hundreds of millions of people born there since then, but oh well...and of course, the Hindu/Arab world is written off altogether.


  • Black Man
    Black Man

    When I look back on it, the whole concept of everyone having an opportunity to receive the kingdom message was UNREALISTIC. To reach EVERYONE on this earth, teach them the message AND give them the opportunity to make a decision on what side they'll be on. That's not even factoring in under-developed lands and nations. You couldn't even do that with the mass technology that we have much less a grass-roots door-knocking campaign.

  • JAVA

    Hi NameWithheld,

    It's a big shocker though to realize you ARE going to get old and die though isn't it?

    I wonder if others struggle with that, too. It seemed surreal when exiting--I was going to grow old and die like everyone else. My parents studied with the JWs when I was 10, and it was the only religion I really thought about until I left 30 years later. At the age of 40 it hit me, I might just grow old and die. It didn't seem real.

    I'm 54 now and don't think about it anymore (until reading comments like yours). Like most people my age, I'm planning for retirement and look forward to traveling and enjoying the freedom away from the work-a-day world. However, I wonder how others dealt with the "growing old and dying" issue as former Witnesses?

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • joelbear

    Well, I guess you can try to explain away 25% of the world's population, but if the scripture is true, this good news of the kingdom (which witnesses define as their message) must be preached in all the inhabited earth before the end can come. Their definition of preaching is door to door person to person contact. Also, if its to be a thorough witness, you would have to reach people more than once as they do here in the US. There are still people in the US who don't have a clue what witnesses believe since they haven't been reached yet after 120 years and 100 million new people are added every year.

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