Another TRUE Sheep and Wolves Story... Must Read.

by Confucious 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Confucious


    The analogy first...

    A sheep wanders off and gets jumped by a wolf.

    The sheep finds her way back home.

    She's bleeding by the head. She's limping.

    Then the shephard sees the sheep and yells, "She's bleeding!!! The blood will attract MORE WOLVES!!!"

    KILL IT!!!!

    So all the shephards get together and kill the bleeding sheep.

    Hard to believe, I know.

    But here's another TRUE story that is hard to believe, but it just happened.

    A sister was dating an brother on reproof.

    She got engaged with him and the elders gave her a hard time.

    Turns out, one day, the sister goes her fiance's home and finds her fiance in bed with another girl.

    The fiance beats her up SEVERELY.

    The girl showed up at the KH yesterday.

    Ok, and this is all true...

    She's sitting in the KH so beat up that there are STAPLES in her head.

    She finds out that he's cheating on her.

    She finds out that the girl she is cheating on is PREGNANT.

    AND she finds out that SHE IS PREGNANT with this guys bastard child. The guy that just beat the crap out of her.

    And she's sitting in the KH.

    And to top it off, she just got DISFELLOWSHIPPED!!!!

    Poor girl!!!

    But of course, the propaganda that was given to me is that - "...see what happens when you don't listen to counsel."

    Sure, but at this time, don't you think the sheep needs the love of her spiritual family???


  • robertdelre

    Sad to not be reproofed in love.

  • jgnat

    That is awful. How is she doing now?

  • RR

    So let me get this straight ... who's on first, what's on second and idunno is on third base, right?


  • Sunspot

    IMO, the girl should file an assault and battery charge against this creep, and also run as far away as she CAN from the WTS. She doesn't need that "we'l treat you like a leper because we LOVE you" routine at this point.

    I hope she has friends she can count on to be there for her.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Heh....this is the SAME reason why the WT BS prints the part in John 8 about the adultress saved from stoning by Jesus in FINE print....they don't WANT to show mercy and they don't WANT anyone to notice that ppl who adhere to true bible principles (if you're "into" that) SHOULD show mercy to one another, even when one is in the wrong......

    Ergo....they LOVE to hate....and HATE to love.....

    Frannie B

  • willyloman

    Dubs belong to the only religion I know of that kills its wounded.

  • Gopher
    the propaganda that was given to me is that - "...see what happens when you don't listen to counsel."

    Too many JW elders are out to prove themselves righteous at the expense of the emotional health and feelings of their own members. They take it personally when they're not held in awe and their counsel isn't viewed as the word of God itself.

    I remember an elder telling me, "when you did xxxx, it was like a slap in OUR (the elders') faces". There was no mention of how Jehovah viewed the particular action, only that THEY (the elders) were not given proper reverence by me.

  • outbutnotdown

    What this girl is going through is very sad indeed!!!

    I have a personal example that is somewhat similar to that, although it pales in severity to what she has come upon in her struggles.

    When the elders did their "judicial meeting" thing with me, I had admitted that the times that my fiance and I got into "trouble"........ ....... was when I had been drinking. So AFTER I got df'd, I went back to one of the elders and asked if they could give me help with my possible drinking problem.

    The elder said, "You're on your own now. We had grounds to disfellowship you so we did. You have to prove that you are repentant and get reinstated before we will have any further involvement with you."

    The good news about it is that it shocked me into realizing how hypocritical they are and that they REALLY HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT WHAT LOVE AND CARING IS. I never went back and I hope that people can convey to this woman who is going through this travesty of justice that despite her pain she will be better off if she never goes back. My thoughts are with her.


  • Confucious

    The great salesman got it right.

    Dubs are the only ones that kill their wounded.

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