Pet Peeves thread...

by Brummie 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brummie

    This kinda thread has probably been done before..

    Someone phones me at work and when I say hello they say "hold on" and start talking to someone else, they dont tell me who they are and I'm hanging on hearing them chat to someone who is with them on the other end, 5 mins later they introduce themselves and tell me what they want. THAT is a pet peeve.

    Another, for example, go to the fridge and both tubs of butter are open and both blocks of cheese instead of finishing one off and then opening the other. Thats just a small pet peeve but its one none the less.

    Miserable sod arnt I though?

    Got any pet peeves?

  • Brummie

    I think I'm just irritable today....

  • doodle-v

    <---rubs Brummie behind the ears

    feel better?

    A big pet peeve of mine is when I see men with their cell phones attached to their hip like holsters. Hello! Its not a gun, and its definately not a fashion accessory. No the women dont think you are hot just because you have latest color pda cell phone hanging on your hip. Please men, put the phones away. I mean really, they are small enough now to put in your pocket.

    Oh and when I see guys walk around with the phone ear piece hanging from their ear when they arent even on the phone! Guys, you dont look like your in the FBI, you look stupid.

    ok i'm finished


  • Brummie

    <---rubs Brummie behind the ears

    feel better?

    I certainly do, care do do it again?

    and roflmao at the cellphone fashion accessory!

  • talesin

    Kitty, you read my mind!

    Just the other day, I got a call from MasterCard. When I answered the phone, an automated message told me that MC was calling, and to 'please hold while one of our operators becomes available'. WTF??? They call me, then want me to hold before I even talk to anyone? DUH! Good sales technique, folks!

    Yes, I hung up. :D

    The whole 'second line' thing is a pet peeve of mine. I had one friend who would call me, then constantly interrupt the conversation to take other calls. I find it rude and annoying, unless you are expecting an urgent call that must be answered. Why call me, then expect me to sit on hold every 2 or 3 minutes while you answer other calls?


  • DanTheMan

    boom car stereos, the height of rudeness

  • Brummie
    When I answered the phone, an automated message told me that MC was calling, and to 'please hold while one of our operators becomes available'. WTF???

    lol Yeah, WTF is thier problem..grr, I havent had that happen yet but darn! what a flamin cheek

    it IS rude and annoying, glad I'm not the only one who finds it such

    x x x


    Edited to add: right on Dan

  • Crazy151drinker

    Computer telemarketers

    People that go 25mph in the fast lane in a 45mph zone

  • Brummie
    People that go 25mph in the fast lane in a 45mph zone

    gawwd yeah, specially when they overtake you and then go at 25mph...

  • anglise

    Brummie and Talesin

    That really bugs me to so now I just lay the handset down and let them pay for a wasted call.

    Leave it until they hang up.


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