Theocratic Ministry School in the resumé?

by observador 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • observador

    Hello everyone.

    I was doing a quick search on something else when I came across this resumé of a fella who seemed to have been a Bethelite. Down on his resume under "Education", he includes the Theocratic Ministry School as part of his education.

    This is not the first time I hear someone doing this. A lot of JW seem to buy into the WT propaganda that this is an education... Did you do that?

    I'd love to hear your thoughts.

    trying to embed the page... if it doesn't work,

  • observador

    Ok, no matter what I try, the link won't work, but if you remove the "amp;" just before "file_extension" it works perfectly.

  • Atilla

    He's going to get far with that on his resume.

    Basically his resume should be one line

    High School.

    Which I'm not sure why JW kids even bother to finish High School, the 8th grade should be fine. Because if your not going on to college, there really is no point for schooling say even after 6th grade. No asks to see your High School diploma, your employer is not going to call up your old school and see if you graduated.

  • RR

    I've seen this donwe plenty of times in the past. Not only from Bethelites but from the rank and file.


  • czarofmischief

    I used to do it. I couldn't understand that it wasn't an education at all, just a loose training course in defending the ludicrous...


  • Poztate
    under "Education", he includes the Theocratic Ministry School as part of his education.

    I'm sure if he was a really good dub he would also mention that he read all the issues of the Awake? and that was said to be the same as getting a College education. I am sure with all the "help" the borg gives to people to make them a success we will soon see many more doctors,lawyers and educators among Jehovers people. OR NOT

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    I was baptized in 1980... in 1983 I went to work for Better homes and Gardens real estate...and their SALES training course was nearly identicle to the Theocratic ministy school.... sales training from JWs can have practical applications (^_^)

  • observador

    I never did that, but an elder in my congregation did and was very proud of it.

    Do you think that the Ministry School helped you in any way?

  • Nosferatu
    Do you think that the Ministry School helped you in any way?

    It taught me to tell people what they like to hear, and you'll get applause.

  • stillajwexelder

    It is not on my Resume because I do not need it - because I am really good - but in defence of the WTBTS it should because the TMS is the best public speaking training anywhere in the world

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