To JanH

by bigboi 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay


    Yeah, I know what I just asked everyone to do. Sue me.

    ahem... uh... be advised that my attorneys will be in touch with your attorneys, big fella.

    Don't get me wrong, little brother. I think it took major guts and major manhood for what you have done here. Doing so publicly does nothing but ADD to my respect for you. Thanks for the link, but I've read that mess already. I knew insults were flying from more than just you but so far you're the only one to own up to your misspoken words. What do we expect?

    All I was saying is that there may be some mitigating explanations to Jan's reluctance to accept your apology. While I think it may be hard for him, I think he should at least work in that direction. Time will tell.

    Either way, you STILL my little brother. Love ya, dawg.

    todd~who loves the gift that is forgiveness

  • teejay

    Oh, mommy, you most great and gifted Jedi, I must humbly disagree. While an apology may not make a person better to YOU, it does tend to elevate them in MY eyes, and in the eyes of others. Its byproduct, forgiveness, goes a long way to recovery, to making what is broken whole again.

    If I may risk incurring your wrath, oh Most Exalted One, all of us make mistakes, and in the instance of bigboi's poor choice of words for which he is now seeking for peaceful relations, he was not the only one to err with his lips, or his typewritten words. That does make for a clearly discernible differernce.

    As I said, at least to me, oh great Noble One.


  • bigboi


    All I was saying is that there may be some mitigating explanations to Jan's reluctance to accept your apology. While I think it may be hard for him, I think he should at least work in that direction. Time will tell.

    I have to disagree with you on this one. If there were mitigating circumstances, he would never under any circumstance use the word himself in demeaning others. Kismet said he referred to others on H20 as nazis. He just called me facist. So I don't think the insult, damaged him emotionally in any way. I feel this is a personal conflict between two ppl who share a mutual dislike for one another. Nothing more, nothing less. I am of course willing to stay out of his way, if he stays out of mine. However, I reserve the right to defend myself and any others at my own discretion, at any place, time and in any circumstance here or elsewhere.




    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

  • DannyBear


    ***It appears to me, however, that Jan has a point. His last post (above) where he says, "...leaving it to his buddy dannybear to tell what a swell guy bigboi suddenly have turned in to over the last 2 days, and how "big" it is of him to ask me to forget about one of his hundred-somthing personal attacks on me" is well worth pondering.***

    I don't see it at all TJ. First of all I was not expounding or telling what a "swell guy bigboi" is, names and places be is the acts here in review.

    By the way TJ, reconciliation is not my intent. I have no reason to really want to effect such.

    Anyone who takes on the mantel, of some kind of special dispensation, allowing he/she to berate, chide, abuse, or dismiss anyone on their cue, is out of line. Civility will do away with all this mess, treating ANYONE and EVERYONE with respect, will solve the problem. It is not 'rocket science'.

    Right now JanH has done nothing but show disrespect for anyone (except for larc-"point taken" a meager way of saying 'maybe your right') that has taken exception to his conduct.

    Don't see eye to eye with you on this, my friend.


  • mommy
    Oh, mommy, you most great and gifted Jedi,


    If I may risk incurring your wrath, oh Most Exalted One


    oh great Noble One.


    I am but another person same as you Teejay. And my opinion is stated above. Why did you use those choice words, when refering to me? I do not understand, unless it was said sarcastically. Then again, you are a straight shooter right? Call it like you see it? Defender of honor and truth? Why did you use those words? It does not fit your personna you are trying to protray.

    My point...A person cannot change what they did by apologizing. A person's true personality will come out in all that is said, not just a few words. The person who is being apologized to, does not have to accept the apology, sometimes a few words cannot change a person's opinion of another. Thus no reply is needed, if it is not accepted. Just because an apology is made, does not mean they are sincere, or should be revered.

    Time will tell.

    P.S. My thoughts on this thread have to deal with personalities I have seen in the past. A useful experience to growing up, you live and learn, hopefully.

  • JanH
    I feel this is a personal conflict between two ppl who share a mutual dislike for one another. Nothing more, nothing less. I am of course willing to stay out of his way, if he stays out of mine.

    My point exactly. Must be the first time me and you agree on anything

    Live long and prosper, Bigboi. Hopefully somewhere else. Over and out.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]

  • jodiann

    I glad at last someone has something positive to say!

  • bigboi


    I think I understand the gist of your post. I respect your opinion and I think that wha you said is indeed true.

    I think your screw me statement is in regards to Jan's reluctance to accept my apology because if anything ever happened between us again and I insulted him then it would be his fault. Perhaps it may still be your view of the fact that he's insulted me in this thread and maybe it's my fault for responding.

    At any rate I wonder why all this guy's friends always seem to have to rationalize his behaviour for him. It seems he never really says what he means, or what he says is always a result of what may have happened to him or maybe it just came out wrong. He never explains himself or his actions he always allows others to do i for him.

    This thread did not have to turn into what it did. If he didn't accept my apology all he had to do was say "thanks, but no thanks I think you went waaay to far in this instance and i think it best we avoid one another". No, but what did he do? He tried to question my character, my sincerity and used the equivalent of the slur I used (for which I apologized) in doing so. To which I can do nothing but respond "WTF"!!!!!!!!



    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

  • SixofNine

    The French poster, chasson, has asked me to relay a messege. While he appreciates the "tenderizing" work that you fine people are doing, he is fearful that the meat will begin rotting and be inedible if we aren't able to get the thing cut up and put in a freezer.

    Six-Trigger happy class.

  • bigboi


    R O T F L M B A O !!!!!!!!!!!!




    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

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