Bericht 1034

by Sue 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    As a side note,

    Rutherford also predicted that Germany would win the war. Perhaps, that is why he had a mansion, Beth Shan, with two bomb shelters in it. This way Rutherford, and his elite, could make it through the great tribulation in relative comfort.

  • Kent
    Of course, under Hitler, it was a matter of death, not imprisonment, if you maintained your faith.

    Sorry my friend, not true. That's Watchtower propaganda. If you check out the fact you will find that only 203 Jehovah's Witnesses was executed by the Germans!

    The Watchtower's lies has made many people believe they were really killed by the thousands - that's a bold-faced lie. If you want to check out some facts, try to start here:

    On The Watchtower Observer you will find photocopies and translation of the Hitler-letter, Declaration of Facts from Berlin and Berne, and a lot of other material from the Hitler-history of the Watchtower. Look in the menu to the left, and you will find the documents!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • hawkaw

    Hello fellow Canadian, "had enough"

    After you are finished at kent's site ( , I suggest you go down to the libarary at Mac or U of T or anywhere in Western/Central Ontario and get a copy of James Penton's book "Apocalypse Delayed". Read what a fellow Canadian had to say about the JWs during the war. Just make sure you have your airline barf bag ready after you read it and all the back up material.


  • Yerusalyim

    What's up Sue, no answer to all this? Cat got your tongue, FRED's cat maybe? less than 5000 Witnesses were imprisoned less than 210 were executed or died in concentration camps. Well over 3500 Catholic priests were executed in the main camp at Dachau alone, much less the Other camps.

    God is truth, and light his shadow.


  • peterstride

    I found my copy of the letter the society sent to the German government back in the 30s. But instead of posting the lengthy letter here, I'll just point everyone that's interested to Kent's website where he's gone a step further by posting:

    1. The English translation of the letter
    2. The original German text of the letter
    3. Scans of the actual letter sent to the German government.

    One other thing that jumped out at me when I read this letter was the WTS reason for why several of its members where put in jail in the US in the 1910s.

    In the letter to the German government, they say that they were put in jail because they weren't bowing to pressure from the US government to print anti-German propaganda in their magazines! Wow...

    To the rank and file members, the WTS says that they were put in jail because the religious leaders forced the government to do that...and that later they were freed and completely exonerated. As Nero Wolfe says...phoooey!

    But, the official court records (available in the US under the freedom to information act) paint a very very different picture as to the real reason they were put in jail...and also why they were actually released.

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • peterstride
    peterstride's the link to Kent's website, directly to the letter sent to the German government.

  • peterstride

    Just bringing it to the top...

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hello Peter:

    Thanks for the link to the letter from the WTS to Hitler. You're right....what an eye-opener. And I wonder why this has been hidden from the r&f all these years....hmmmmmm [8>]

    I notice that I picked up on the same statement you mentioned in one of your posts...

    The Brooklyn headquarter of the Watchtower Society is pro German in an exemplary way and has been so for many years. For that reason, in 1918, the president of the Society and seven members of the board of directors were sentenced to 80 years in prison, because the president refused to use two of the magazines published in America under his direction for war propaganda against Germany. These two magazines, "The Watchtower" and "Bible Student" were the only magazines in America which refused to engage in anti-German propaganda and for that reason were prohibited and suppressed in America during the war.

    That's funny...I just don't remember reading in the Insight Book that the WTS was pro-any country let alone Germany at that time, (translated at Hitler), and that that was the reason the big kahunas were sent to prison in 1918 or something. I thought it was for a more "noble" reason like they were "neutral" and the Amer. gov't didn't like it.. Hmmm must have missed it.

    Is there no end to the nonsense this org has pulled that I, and millions of others, don't know about.

    I may just run out of disc space collecting and saving all this info of the dung heap I've caught a whiff of.

    Thanks to also for your help.

    Thank you too for your tireless effort at bringing all this wonderful info to our attention on your site. I know I have scads more to go through and just need more time to wade through all this crap that's been hidden from us.

    Had Enough

  • patio34

    Peterstride and Kent,

    That is a pretty damning letter. How did you happen to come by it? Is it authenticated?


  • Kent

    Hi patio

    All these letters are authenticated, and the Declaration Of Facts from Berlin 1933, where the Watchtower claims Jehovah and Jesus will put the German Governments ideas into action as well. The last declaration mentioned was actually reprinted in the 1934 Yearbook. The Declaration from Bern, where the Watchtower guarantees that "hundreds of JWs" were doing their military ervice and "would continue to do so" - was printed in "Troost", German edition of Consolation. Photocopy from Troost included in my site.

    The Original Letter to Hitler I believe I got from Jim Penton, together with other evidence on the JW-Hitler era.

    I'm sure you will find lots of other eye-openers if you browse around my site a while.

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

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