new Britian elder letters: molestation

by Dogpatch 35 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • JanH

    Exactly, Sis.

    JWdom is still the pedophile paradise with these rules in place. As long as you rape someone without two witnesses (how unusual!) and don't confess, you're safe. As long as nobody calls in those evil worldly authorities, that is.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]

  • wasasister

    Thanks for your comments, Jan. This still amazes me. Even IF you go by strict interpretation of Hebrew Scripture, this stance makes no sense at all. The fact is, some death-penalty sins did not require two witnesses. This policy is completely indefensible.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Dogpatch,

    excellent pîece! Will be given great

    To Chasson: merci beaucoup pour la tradution en FR!
    Avoir les textes dans les deux langues...
    peut aider ceux qui ont des problems ...à
    acceoter les faits.

    Agape, J.C. MacHislopp

  • BugEye

    I agree with JanH on this one (surprise surprise). The entire WTS is a paradise for child molesters. And one of the points that I found partcularly disgusting is that Elders are basically completely protected. So where is the difference between them and the Catholic church that they despise so much.

    I am just completely disgusted.


  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    Thanks randy for the information here which I find a bit bewildering. I sympathise with Tina who "can't help but shake my head here". Me too! Much about this topic just doesn't make sense! Let alone lack of care for the children.

    For example the letter states:

    Caesar’s law does not stand still and this at times necessitates adjustments
    What about Caesar's law changed? Why blame 'Caesar'? Isn't the truth of the matter that the Society are having to 'clarify' their own instructions because of the criticism of it that has been published.

    then we get this statement:

    Those who have confessed to child molestation, or who have been found guilty of child molestation by the congregation........Also, those who have been convicted by a court of crimes that constitute child abuse should be included on the List.
    It's quite clear from this what the Society's attitude to secular law is. The first priority is the congregation finding people guilty, the law of the land comes in second place. Shouldn't those dealt with by the congregation also be the same as those convicted in the courts? Apparently not. Also, why are they still, after all the criticism, talking about congregations handling these matters? The courts are there to handle these matters and are well equipped, which is more than can be said for your local body of elders.


    if the branch office has decided that he can be appointed or continue serving in a position of trust because the sin occurred many years ago and because he has lived an exemplary life since then, his name should not appear on the List
    Doesn't this contravene the law? They are saying that they will decide, not the courts.

    What a telling conclusion to their letter

    The cleanness of Jehovah’s organization needs to be preserved while, at the same time, we conform to Caesar’s laws
    Oh yes, we see what matters most, don't we? The "cleanness of Jehovah's organisation", or put another way, their reputation.


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • Duncan

    Randy and All,

    One thing that struck me while reading this letter is how recent it is. It is less than 4 weeks old and already it's all over the Net.

    It does seem that the time it takes for this kind of stuff to leak out is getting shorter and shorter. Which has got to add to the general paranoia and siege mentality inside the WTS, I guess.

    As Maximus said "watching it all unfold..."


  • esther

    The more I find out about this organisation, the more disgusted I get.

    They ran down the Catholic church for the same sort of thing. All they are concerned with is the protection of the organisation, not the children or any of the people.

    I am too angry to say any more at the moment. [>:(]


  • outnfree

    What a perfect way to start my day with a sudden need to vomit from the turbulent churning of my stomach when reading this disgusting bit of illogical, self-centered claptrap that passes for an explanation for how to keep "God's" organization clean while complying with the British law of the land!!!

    I first read the letter at about 7:00 AM EST, and only now got back to finish reading the replies. I have been nauseous ever since -- and I am not even a victim of abuse at the hands of the Tower! I cannot imagine how the silentlambs (some not so silent now) on this board feel when reading yet another convoluted attempt by the Society to cover the collective asses of the pedophiles among them!

    I am outraged, as I think any thinking person would be.

    I now have a new letter to deliver to congregation members in my area.
    I had sort of promised myself that after my DC push I would devote a certain $ amount each month to keeping the pressure on and increasing awareness of the problem. When payday comes on Friday, I know just what I'll be copying at Kinko's!!! I urge as many of you whose circumstances allow it to do the same. A copy of a scanned Society letter delivered to active Witness doors could have great impact!

    The fact that

    if the branch office has decided that [a former child abuser who is currently serving as an elder or ministerial servant] can be appointed or continue serving in a position of trust because the sin occurred many years ago and because he has lived an exemplary life since then, his name should not appear on the List, nor is it necessary to pass on information about the brother’s past sin if he moves to another congregation unless contrary instructions have been given by the branch.
    will be alarming to many right-hearted Witnesses.

    Please consider doing something similar in your area.

    (who usually eats when she's upset, but really -- just --
    cannot! This is so vile!)

  • outnfree

    OK, I just went to the site Randy directed us to for the "proofs" and when I tried to copy the Society's letter, there is a huge left margin on the page my printer copied out which prevents the right margin of the letter being seen.

    So could one of you computer whizzes out there please explain how I can change the size of the . jpg file that is this letter so that I can make the 100 or so copies I plan to distribute in my area?

    Thanks ever so much! (and to you, too, Randy for finding this, and for whomever is running thetruthhurts, too, for posting it!)


  • Tina


    I felt the same upon first reading the letter-and that's what bothered me greatly.No sense of outrage there!
    Normal folks would feel that,but it's missing there.
    They make it sound akin to picking ones nose in public.......really minimize how outrageous ped behavior truly is. just a thought,luv.Tina

    psssssst BETHelMOle's the name

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