Profile of a Sociopathic Organization

by Lady Lee 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Profile of a Sociopathic Organization

    (Adapted from the article by Jan Groenveld)

    A number of cult leaders may exhibit many of the behavioral characteristics of a sociopath--an outstanding ability to charm and seduce followers. I thought it would be interesting to look at the WTS and see if these markers could be used to examine an organization.

    Glibness/Superficial Charm

    Language can be used without effort by them to confuse and convince their audience. Captivating storytellers that exude self-confidence, they can spin a web that intrigues others. Since they are persuasive, they have the capacity to destroy their critics verbally or emotionally

    The WT literature is filled with language used to evade the real issues and to avoid responsibility. The literature rarely speaks plainly but rather alludes ot, infirrs, suggests a certain course of action. A recent example is "any reasonable person would agree". While the literature may "suggest" a course of action they will also "suggest" that not following that course of action will result in unworthy of life.
    Manipulative and ConningThey never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. He dominates and humiliates his victims.

    The WTS has little respect for emotional or physical health of its folowers. Regardless of the difficulties a person has there is always the demand to do more and if the person does more then the difficulties will disappear. If difficulties persist then the fault always remains with the person and never with the constant demand to do more.

    Grandiose Sense of Self

    Feels entitled to certain things as "his right." Craves adulation and attendance. Must be the center of attention with his own fantasies as the "spokesman for God," "enlightened," "leader of humankind," etc.Creates an us-versus-them mentality

    The WTS has set itself up as God?s sole mediator between the 144,000 and God. Total obedience is demanded. Even when they have been proven wrong continued obedience is required. And deviance can result in expulsion. And since they are the only source of enlightenment leaving means certain death since there is no where else to go because everything else belongs to the Devil.

    Pathological Lying

    Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely
    convincing and able to pass lie detector tests

    Thw WTS has a compulsion to rewrite history. Few active members know or recall the history of the WTS or its constant doctrinal flip-flops. Their own literature is edited to hide past mistakes without the knowledge of their followers. And if someone does recall something they would be told they are incorrect and that the WTS never taught that. Also the belief that new light replaces old light makes any examination of the past useless to the followers.

    Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt

    A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at his core. Does not see others around him as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

    The WTS expressed no remorse over the deaths of those who have given their lives to policies that later change. They make no alliances with "the world" unless they see an opportunity to use others for their own benefit. Members are tools to sell more literature and gain new recruits to sell more literature. Disposing people after their usefulness is over brings no sense of guilt butrather a condemnation of the person for what normally would be a reasonable expectation.

    Shallow Emotions

    When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since he is not genuine, neither are his promises.

    The WTS?s "care" for the followers extends as long as the followers meet the constant demands of the org. People are told they are happy and that they can ONLY be happy and if they are not happy there is something wrong with them. Followers are told that the WTS shows its "love" for the congregations by providing an unending mass of information. Few people really stop to realize this mass of information is simple a rehash of old literature ? sometimes with just a new name and a few word changes. The illnesses or death of followers means nothing except for its usefullness to manipulate the followers to continue their servitude.

    Incapacity for Love

    While he talks about "God's love" he is unable to give or receive it. Since he does not believe in the geniuses of his followers' love, he is very harsh in testing it from his devotees and expects them to feel guilt for their failings. Expects unconditional surrender.

    While the WTS says a lot about being happy and showing love for their followers in reality they pile hardhips upon them and always expect more. Most recently I have been following how little the WTS cares for the physical needs of the flock as the conventions. They are told not to use outside restaurants and the WTS has given up providing food so people must bring their own. For a family who has come from out of town to the convention this can be difficult for obvious reasons. Followers are giving more and getting less and there seems to be no consideration for the difficulties this entails for the members. Add to this the requirement for absolute obedience.

    Need for Stimulation

    Living on the edge, yet testing the beliefs of their followers with bizarre rules, punishments and behaviors. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal.

    Rules from the WTS are constantly changing. It has become so difficult for some people to follow the newest teachings that elders are often consulted for even minor life problems or decisions ? going to a child?s wedding, health protocols, handling difficulties with others in the cong. The shunning policies are emotionally traumatic for anyone who is seen to not confrom to the rules. A recent list of the don?t of the WTS is quite lengthy and often changes.

    Callousness/Lack of Empathy

    Unable to emphasize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them. Their skills are used to exploit, abuse and exert power. Since the follower cannot believe their leader would callously hurt them, they rationalize his behavior as necessary for their (or the group's) own "good" and deny the abuse. When devotees become aware of the exploitation it feels like a "spiritual rape" to them.

    Not too long ago the WTS published an article about the need to ask for forgiveness. They seem totally unaware that they need to ask forgiveness of their followers for the confusiuon of constant changes and demands to perform. There seems to be no comprehension of the stress they place on families when one person is reproved or disfellowshiped. People are told it is for their safety and a lesson for the one reproved. All sacrifice is for the person?s benefit where in reality it is only the WTS that benefits by keeping people in the dark.

    Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature

    Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believes he is all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for his impact on others. His followers only see him as near perfect.

    Members are constantly reminded that the org is God?s only tool for salvation. The are reminded that they are doomed to die unless they give total obedience to this organization. "Privilges" of servitude are the "rewards" given to those who conform and "reach out". Acceptance by the organization becomes equal to acceptance by God. But there is always the reminders that more is required for continued approval.

    Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency

    Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.

    I find it interesting that the early founders ofg the WTS has some serious accusations or problems against them. Sexual misconduct and alcoholism. Both issues have been hidden or white-washed so that the members do not know the real truth. When people are hurt by the actions of the org and its leaders they hurt person is blamed for their response and told they should "trust more".


    Not concerning about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blame their followers or others outside their group. Blame reinforces passivity and obedience and produces guilt, shame, terror and conformity in the followers.

    The WTS is oblivious to the damage done to the lives of people who believed what they were taught about the end coming in 1975. The seem oblivious about the pain caused to family members who have lost a child or parent due to the blood issue. The rank and file are blamed for not understanding properly or jumping ahead of the organization or reading into the magazines things that were never said.

    Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity

    Cult leaders frequently practice promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts. This is usually kept hidden from all but the inner circle. Stringent sexual control of their followers, such as forced breakups and divorces, removal of children from parents, rules for dating, etc.

    We have heard stories of pedophilia, homosexuality, and wife swapping. Some of these accusations have been about the highest ranking leaders of the WTS. While all these things are severely condemned by the org it seems some can do whatever they wish. Granted some have been removed from their positions. Meanwhile the elders are expected to enforce rules of dating, marriage, divorce, separations and even expected to know what goes on in the bedrooms of couples who are wed.

    Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle

    Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future. Many groups claim as their goal world-domination or other utopian promises. Great contrast between the leader's opulent lifestyle and the followers' impoverishment. Support by gifts and donations from his followers who are pressured to give through fear and guilt. Highly sensitive to their own pain and health.

    While members are encouraged to give more and do more few members realize the massive wealth the WTS has accumulated. Individuals who have devoted their entire lives and lived in poverty are not given any assistance when their health declines or they become too old to be useful. Few members know that some of the higest leaders in the organization life a very different lifestyle than the average JW.

    Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility

    Changes their image and that of the group as needed to avoid prosecution and to increase income and to recruit a range of members. Is able to adapt or relocate as needed to preserve the group. Can resurface later with a new name, a new front group and a new twist on the scam.

    In courts and in the media the spin doctors (legal departemnt) are very busy playing with words to enhance their image to the world. Witnesses are coached to say things that are blatantly not true,. WTS officials have been caught in court lying under while under a sworn oath, the media are fed a diet of cathc phrases that make it seem as if the org is encouraging people to be honest. Most recently ads in the media have been used to place a kinder face on the organization as one that places great emphasis on family values. The reality is that the WTS protects molesters at the expense of their image or of the victims but repeatedly states to the media they find child sexuual abuse abhorrent and do their best to minimize the extent of the problem.
  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Lee

    You said that

    "In courts and in the media the spin doctors (legal department) are very busy playing with words to enhance their image to the world. Witnesses are coached to say things that are blatantly not true,"

    In the congregation I used to be in 12 years ago or so . A big custody battle took place between a husband and wife. The wife was not a J.W. and the man was just studying at the time. Anyways, the religion became an issue and she did not want her kids taken into the J.W. religion. the WTSociety was called in to fight the Man's side of things.

    I thought it was really weird at how much things the WTS stacked on their side of things. They sent a so called brother down from bethel and he worked with this congregation for weeks before the trial.

    They did a selection of who would sit in the audience, what they would wear,.. which ones should take notes during the trial and how that would look to the judge. Husbands and wives sit together to give the impression of family units..etc, etc., Who would sit in the front rows.. details, details, They practiced and practiced...and this was just for the ones who sat in the courtroom.

    They are crafty and they are out to win at all costs.

    The WTS did win the case in the sense that the wife could not prevent the husband from having his kids because of his crazy religion.

    However, the downfall to it all was that the man left the J.W. religion within a couple of years and wouldn't have really anything to do with them again and I do believe he and his wife and kids reunited.

    The WTS will always try to manipulate things in their favour, even a courtroom.


    Special K

  • jgnat

    This comment hit home for me.

    They are told not to use outside restaurants and the WTS has given up providing food so people must bring their own. For a family who has come from out of town to the convention this can be difficult for obvious reasons. Followers are giving more and getting less and there seems to be no consideration for the difficulties this entails for the members.

    Add to this that the members have been advised not to bring large coolers that won't fit beneath the seats.

    I notice that some JW's love to collect all the accoutrements to make their adopted lifestyle more enjoyable. They can spend hours picking out a collection of highlighters, literature covers, and book bags. In order to serve their "happy organization", zealous JW's buy fancy thermoses and coolers to make this revised lunchtime arrangement more enjoyable.

    Oops. Too much fun. Too much materialism. Downsize that cooler.

    This behavior seems so odd compared to the communal breaking of bread enjoyed by the first century church. Even when I picnic with regular folk, we end up sharing the spread of salads, condiments, bread and beer to make the meal that much more communal. We compliment the cooks and the young men for their choices from the deli. Shared, the meal becomes that much more delightful for the entire group. It is as if the JW's mimic outward unity, yet each individual witness lives in his or her cocoon of fear. One can't associate too freely, one might get infected by one less spiritually strong.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Cooooweeeee, chere! Just look atcha run wit dat info! Very insightful, (((Lee))).

    Frannie B

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    K That court case doesn't surprise me a bit. Considering the WTS has a publication that helps them groom potential witnesses on how to lie and make JWs look good in custody battles.

    Lying seems to be a way of life for them. Not only to the outside world but even to their own members.

    JG To be fair it is entirely possible that fire regulations would prohibit having items blocking any path that would become an exit in case of emergency. Can you imagine people stubling over some of those coolers when in a rush. I agree they should go under the seat but not providing food and then prohibiting going out all so the WTS can save money on the rental of the venue is absurd.

    You bring up an excellent point about them allowing people to do anything that would be fun. Seems so many things are off the list - even getting together for a meal has to be monitored. I recall the older conventions with the cafeterias. We got to meet some interesting people from other places and actually talked to them. But that is gone. You are right - people are living in their own little cocoons trying to stay safe from Big Brother.

    Frannie You should know me by now - give me something I enjoy and I'll sink my teeth in

  • HappyDad

    Lady Lee,

    Thank you for that post and others you have made. Posts like this make me happy I joined the board.

    It took time, but when I finally became free it was very relieving. No more being a goose stepping robot and able to form my own opinions.

    I see how all of this applies to those still in. It's actually pity and not hate and disdain that I feel. When I see how my brother in law and his wife and his two married kids with their respective mates have no life or real friends, and have to schedule everything around the meetings and service, and to have some relief from all of this, they turn to too much alchohol. It is amusing in a way because when I was an elder and consumed with it all, I turned to overuse of alchohol to escape it and was thought less of when I resigned and went to a 12 step program. This was when I started to see that there were "real" people in the world, that they had the same wants and hurts and were not the "bad" association that I was coerced to believe. I actually enjoyed being with them. And now here is my brother in law, an ex elder himself, escaping through too much alchohol. Maybe like me, this family will one day have open eyes.

    When I read so much of this, it only reenforces my thinking and tells me I made the right choice of leaving.

    Again.......thank you.


  • avengers

    How many points does the WT Society score on the Hare Chart?

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Thank you Lady Lee.If there is just one single outcry from me it is:Handcuffed The Watchtower is run by psychopaths Hatchet

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Lee, I've got this "Signs of Unresolved Trauma" that JanG sent me, along with several other items of interest along these lines.....and have reached my topic limit for now Can you use this info?

    well......for some unknown reason, I'm not allowed to post more than a word or two unlike others here who are allowed to post freely....maybe I can email 'em to ya, Lee (does slow burn)

    Frannie B

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    When I read so much of this, it only reenforces my thinking and tells me I made the right choice of leaving.

    That is the exact reason I do these posts. Too often people second guess their decision to leave. By comparing some the criteria for various forms of dysfunction and control to what we saw and experienced in the WTS we can see the real truth and stay free. I have yet to see some set of criteria for high control groups/cults/destructive groups that the WTS didn't get full marks for.

    They deprived us of the information we needed to accurately assess what was happeneing. We are no longer bound by those rules and can learn and set our minds free as well as our bodies from WT slavery.

    I see how all of this applies to those still in. It's actually pity and not hate and disdain that I feel.

    The student follows as the teacher guides. It is so sad to see so many still trapped and even sadder when we care for them.


    The Watchtower is run by psychopaths

    Then this is no surprise to you


    Got them and thanks

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