Kingdom Hall Destroyed By Fire

by Kenneson 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    The Denbigh, Virginia Kingdom Hall was destroyed by an accidental fire begun by a member who was welding and soldering pipes in a bathroom. The insulation ignited and although he tried to extinguish the blaze, he was unsuccessful. 3 congregations used the building; now they have nowhere to meet and will have to rebuild.,0,4261948

  • Elsewhere


    And people wonder why I keep a little fire extinguisher with me when I BBQ! It's amazing how quickly a little fire can get out of control!

  • ozziepost

    Well I'm glad no-one was injured but don't you feel sorry for the flaming welder ? I bet he's lying low - but I guess there's a number of the local dubs who are secretly thanking him - meetings off for a while, perhaps?

  • ohiocowboy

    Wonder if he'll be disfellowshipped for burning down the hall......

    My marshmallows are here, and the fire's there.

    Plans already were being discussed to erect another Kingdom Hall and tear down the building dedicated in 1982 because of constant flooding and mold in the basement, members said.
    Hmmmmmm. Velly Intellesting......
  • Kenneson
  • Elsewhere
    Plans already were being discussed to erect another Kingdom Hall and tear down the building dedicated in 1982 because of constant flooding and mold in the basement, members said.
    Hmmmmmm. Velly Intellesting......

    Ahhh yes... clearly a blessing from jehover... especially when the insurance pays off.

  • dorothy

    Wait...they were already considering tearing it down because of the flooding? But now they will get insurance money?


  • sweetone2377

    It does make one think.........

    Accident? I think not. Arsen? Insurance Fraud? Maybe. Just maybe.

    "But you don't want nothing like this to happen," said Alan Cross, a member of Denbigh South, one of three congregations that met in the Kingdom Hall. "Truly tragic," Cross said, looking at the darkened, exposed roof.
    Check out that grammar. "But you don't want SOMETHING like this to happen"
  • TallTexan

    Can you be a witness if your last name is "Cross"? I'm surprised he hasn't been told that, unless he changes his last name, he'll be df'd......

  • gitasatsangha

    Allan Staros? Allan Torturesteak. Oh yeah that would bring on the Sisters! "I'd like you to meet my friend, Brothe Torturesteak from Denbeigh.."

    Well I'm glad no one got hurt in the fire, anyway.

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