I just emailed my only brother

by Puternut 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Puternut

    I sent an email to my only brother that I have in my family. He lives in the Netherlands:

    Dear Henk,

    I am saddened by the fact that you have chosen not to communicate with me. While deep in your heart you love me, and you know I have deep love for you. It saddens me that it's possible for 'men' to interfere with family ties that are stronger than they will ever understand. I know this is ripping you apart, just as it is me. Didn't we learn a lesson, from when we had to shun Dad for 18 years? Remember how miserable we both were?

    Let's not repeat the same mistake. My door has always been open, how long will you hold the door closed on your side. Is it tiring? You know you want to let go and accept me in, but something is holding you back, and it's eating at your inner soul. My daughters have accepted me back, will you do the same?

    Please let's be real brothers? I am the only one you have........


  • Yizuman

    I hope he responds, positivily that is. The one thing that tears me up is that an organized religion tears up families and retains firm control over a family member(s). It sickens me to no end. Yiz

  • exjdub


    That is a very touching letter and I hope that you get results. Things have changed greatly for you since you announced your move to Hawaii...I hope this is another positive change.


  • blondie

    Puternut, if I were your brother it would have moved me to contact you.


  • Balsam

    I only have a nephew and his family who are JW and still active. What I do since they can't have contact with me is I write them letter periodically. I send pictures of my two sons who are now out of the JW, and I let him know about my ex-husband and his new JW wife. I don't expect him to write or contact me. But before I was disfellowshipped I asked him if he wanted me to send him letters to keep him up on what is going on. He said yes and to make sure I always enclose my current address and phone number. His Mom my sister was not a JW and never had been. She died 2 1/2 years ago. My nephew became a JW and even went to Bethel briefly back in the 70's when my then husband and I bought him into the witnesses.

    I'm glad that I don't have anyone else in my family in it.

    I hope you Brother's heart is softened and he contacts you. The JW religion sure takes a tole on family relationships don't it?


  • Bryan


    Very touching, I hope he comes around and does what I'm sure he FEELS is right, not what he's told.

    Good luck to you both and all the love,


  • Special K
    Special K

    Well done Puternut,

    Just long enough .

    What "Releasing the Bonds Book" by Steven Hassan says it to try to reach out to the real personality and bonds of family members in a cult.

    You have done this very well in this sincere letter to him.

    It would have been very hard for me not to contact a relative that wrote me this heartfelt note as this.

    hope it works


    Special K

  • Corvin

    Puternut, that was a courageous gesture you are making, and I know you feel you must. The reunion you recently had with your daughters gives hope. Either way, it should be worth the effort. Lotso luck.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    what a beautiful letter... <sob>

    If I got one like that I would *rush* to the phone! I hope that he contacts you... but you never know. Those ties that bind their minds are often stronger than the ones that bind their hearts...


  • Bubbamar


    What a touching letter. I imagine that even if you do not get the response you are hoping for you feel stronger for having made the effort.

    I am also about to send my mom a letter and am having difficulty accepting the inevitable daily mail checking for her response that may never come. Hopefully your brother isn't as lost in the borg as my mom.

    Thanks for sharing your letter and good luck to you!

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