You Blood Sucking Leeches !!!!!!

by Poztate 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Elsewhere

    Silly Sirius... Dinos died during the flood! (They were too big to fit on the ark)

  • Puternut

    Evolution in progress maybe? What is going to happen to all the animals with their fangs, and teeth that were meant for ripping flesh? Will snakes have feet again? Will sharks be your pets?


  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    Elsewhere - Doh! the flood! yeah I forgot that bit o fact.

    But where did this leave the t-rexs and raptors, did they use those huge fangs and claws to tear maple syrup from the trees?

  • Lehaa

    You guys are all nuts, sitting here LMOA.

  • TallTexan
    TallTexan guys don't know ANYTHING......

    Dino's came about because bad angels came to earth and pro-created with snakes and lizards, thus creating a giant race of reptiles. They were creating violence and lust in all the animal kingdom and thus God sent Noah to preach to them (the anti-typical Dr. Doolittle, represented in Revelation by the beings with the face of a lion, the wings of a bird, the tail of a serpent, and the feet of a bear, which is understood by reading the account of Sampson and the ass' jawbone and applying it to the 144,000). They were unrepentant of their lustful and violent ways so they were deemed unworthy to be put on the ark. Thus they were destroyed in the flood.....don't any of you read your Bibles????

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma
    Dino's came about because bad angels came to earth and pro-created with snakes and lizards, thus creating a giant race of reptiles.

    Excellent. (rubs hand together diabolically)

    I shall start a race of giant reptiles from my lions and they shall take over the world.

    SD soon to be your Master

  • Poztate

    Hey Gang,

    Lots of good replies and chuckles.The more a person investigates a lot of dub"bible bases beliefs"? the sillier the whole thing gets.

    If you tried to go down this road with a good dub they would just whine that you were picking on them and you were a "spawn of satan"?

    It would never enter their head to start THINKING FOR THEMSELVES !!!!

  • Carmel

    I can see it now..."The anopheles inquistion" Elder to distended misquito..."In what position were you in when you sucked?"


  • SAHS

    I remember reading that you can apparently get in trouble with a judicial committee just by feeding your dog or cat pet food that contains animal biproducts with blood. Also, you can?t feed your pet snake any dead crickets because . . . you guessed it, it contains blood. (But apparently you can still feed your snake live crickets because it has to chase them, so it?s okay.)

    What nonesense!


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