Has the Watchtower Society ever been correct?

by Lewis 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    I do think they got some stuff correct . Jesus is the messiah . The bible is the inspired word of God . Satan does not live in a place beneath the earth where he tortures evil doers for eternity .

  • RR

    Judge Rutherford did my a prediction that came true, even though it was hindsight ... in regards to his failed 1925 "millions now living will never die" he later stated, "I made an ass out of myself."


  • Michael3000
    Has the Watchtower Society ever been correct?

    Indeed they have. "Religion Is A Snare And A Racket"

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Danny sez:Call Miss Cleo at the psychic hotline.

    A couple of last JW cult indoctrination holdouts: ( 1 ) Rev. 17:17.." and God will put it into their hearts..." This is a WT key scripture that they interpret/attribute to the world's secular leaders viz. the united nations finally getting sick and tired of all the strife caused by 'false religion'.When this Wt prophecy is fulfilled the UN will 'outlaw' all religion with 'extreme violence'. To quote the WT$, they will 'burn her with fire'.Yes, the WT$ Say's "that every nun, priest and all of "Babylon the great's" clergy class will be executed and every non Jw house of worship will be 'burned to the ground'".Leaving Jehovah's Witnesses standing alone against the 'Godless hordes of Gog of Magog'.....

    Well, folks this dire apocalyptic scenario sounds plausible when you stop and think,that indeed a lot of the world's problems i.e. global terror , is linked to religion.Didn't Karl Marx say," religion is the opium of the people?Guess what?? The Wt just joined the United Nations, and it ain't divine province to attribute world distress to religion.Just look at all the family destruction and turmoil instigated by your's truly Jw's.Besides the demons who are the authors of WT$ 'profitcy$' would know this......

    Holdout # 2 The WT$ predicted the the advent of the UN viz.'the disgusting thing that causes desolation'.That it would rise up as a sequel to the defunct WW1 League of nations.You know what?The demons could tell this one too......

  • Confucious

    I say, lets at least give credit where credit is due.

    I mean, sure.

    We've all been hurt here.

    And we've been mislead.

    But is the WT the WORST of the worst???

    No. For even Jesus said that even the Pharasee's have a measure of righteousness.

    Let's face it.

    I'm not a WT appologist.

    But the WT does what it does. Probably on par with the Pharasee's.

    They put a hedge around the law and their followers do the same.

    But lets give it for what it is.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Matthew 23:15
    "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.
    Roger that confus.

  • stillajwexelder

    No such thing as the Trinity, nor Hellfire,

  • Lewis

    I wasn't talking about unprovable doctrines like the Trinity or Hellfire. I personally don't believe in them -- not because I know it for a fact -- I'm just not religious.

    You can say you don't believe in the Trinity or hell, but since you don't have solid evidence: How do you know? You can only say this is what you believe. There are many earnest Bible scholars that do believe in both of them.

    Also, because sincere Hindus believe in reincarnation, does that mean they have the "Truth"?

    I mean the WTS's interpretation of scripture like the King of the North/South --- that's changed, right. The Generation thing has changed. Why are they publishing new books and magazines if they have the Truth. It would seem that since they claim to have a unique relationship with YHWH, that one comprehensive book would be enough.

    [Wake me when it's over ... or don't]

  • ozziepost


    A good question!

    I'd like to pick up on TD's point about 1914. What the WTS conveniently obscure is that they didn't accurately foretell 1914! The old publications heralded 1914 as the time of the end, the "Big A". When it didn't eventuate, they stuck with the date but claimed that Jesus had returned but we couldn't see him!

    So, the short answer to your question is No!

    BTW welcome aboard!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Mary

    Actually, there was ONE prediction that Brother Russell actually got right. In one of his Studies in the Scriptures that was written in the 1890's, he said (based on the scriptures) that the Jews would one day return to Palestine. This of course DID happen in 1947-48.

    So wow, they got one freakin' prophecy right..............but then even that was taken away when Judge Booze Rutherford started his anti-semetic rhetoric and got rid of this idea in the 1930s. Probably during a lunch with Hermann Goering.

    So ya, they did get one thing right, but then they screwed themselves out of it..........

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