by Wolfy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wolfy

    Hello Everyone!

    Man...Is my butt sore!...(my head too)...Went to the DC today.Thought I would give ya a run down with a few observations

    Usual crap about daily text and how important it is...yawn..Not awake yet

    Talk on Malachi...Broken down into 6 points...
    1/Yeah yeah..Jehovah loves his people...
    2/Have a respectful fear of Jehovah...Asks the question ..Do I despise sacred things?Crave physical things?...My my..some brothers get tempted into premartial sex..Also degrading sex practices between married couples...
    3/Give Jehovah Our Best.....Have to give our best...Elders give their best...They impart timely info to us "sheep"...(was grinding my teeth)
    4/Unselfish love......Have to have appreciation for service...Goes on to say we are not peddlers...(choked a laugh at that one)..Completely voluntary and no cost...(...I had a really hard time not bursting our laughing...wife gave me a strange look)
    5/Acceptable service....God is not burdensome.....
    6/Accountable to Jehovah...Do all we can until the "Day"

    BTW...Two men from Bethel were there...D.Walker(who was one of the most boring speakers I have ever heard...and E. Funk who was somewhat better...)

    Jehovah Hates Course of Treachery
    (D. Walker)
    Jehovah not demanding...Learn the truth from the mouths of God annointed ....Follow their example..

    Get this...We have to be alert at all time...Can we trust what our mate or family member says?(Just a tad bit paranoid are we?)

    Elders have a heavy responsiblity..don't shrink back..What they say must be firmly based on the Bible and the WT lit...Tempting to have own views and personal ideas...(Alot of them do....I wonder how many were listening...Everyone seemed like they were bored out of their minds or asleep)
    Oh yeah..No marrying out of the truth and no unjust divorcing
    Stay away from porn....

    Who Will Survive
    (E. Funk)

    A whole bunch of rhetoric...I could have written this talk in my sleep..My ass was getting sore by this time and I was feeling very annoyed...lol
    Usual bunch of crap about how close we are to the end but there is still work to be done..
    We are the happiest people on earth(By the looks of everyone there you wouldn't think that)

    Drama...Respect Jehovah's Author-it-tay
    Drama about the sons of Korah going against Jehovah and Moses

    Don't let anything...not family or friends keep us from Jehovah..
    Men(Moses and Aaron were imperfect and not always right but they were Jehovah's servants and should be listened too)..hmmmmm..I guess they are referring to the GB...transparent

    Loyally Submit to Godly Author-it-tay
    (Alan Murrary)

    Not to have a complaining spirit.....Not to be dissatisfied with the type of service we have...AND AGAIN with the family...Do not let friendship and family ties take precedence over loyalties to Jehovah...If there is a case with family...Don't interfer...Let Elders handle it...(I guess you have to just shut the hell up and sit there with your thumb up your ass)

    The rest are assorted notes..The kids were just as bored as I was and did not want to sit...:)

    Said we have to be loyal to Jehovah and ones he appoints..No speaking abusively..Beware of rebellious talk...THIS REALLY PISSED ME OFF...
    They said..Yes the appointed ones are imperfect but they are appointed with HS..IF a circustance comes up just let the Elders handle it as we won't know all the facts and circumstance ...Just leave it to the Elders...(Man...I could feel my face getting red....Getting warm...Blood pressure rising)

    Oh yeah..The Imperfection of the appointed ones are not an excuse for a lack of respect....quoted Acts20:28...Jehovah's arrangement..Elders are not perfect
    ..No murmuring...No getting ahead in the world...Do not conceal wrongdoing of friends or family..Let Elders handle...(great..more bungling)

    Next talk was the main talk...Who Are Teaching All Nations Truth
    (Walker again...Man...Guy is a terrible speaker...)
    I have to admit...Kids dozed off and so did I even though the wife tried to keep me awake...Boring as hell..What I remember was the ususal drivel...Study servie...you know the whole guilt trip..

    Last talk ...lost all interest in listening...(E. Funk again)...End is near...blah blah blah....

    Well...I am glad I only went 1 of the 3 days...I don't think I could have handled it...Really bad local exper.
    Oh yeah...Canada will have a MTS this year...I think he said it was in Quebec...Was packing up at the time:)

    Over 14000 there and 82 baptized...youngest was 11 oldest 82...I was really upset about the 11 year old...Too young......

    Wife asked me what I thought was the biggest thing I learned...laughed...You have to respect the orgs author-it-tay...

    Probably gave some of you the shivers...Sorry guys...As you can see the same old crap mostly....Just seem intent on quelling any thinking and on turing in your friends and family...Whole thing smacked of paranoia...

    Anyways...Gotta go...Take care


  • Cautious

    Thanks Wolfy - yep, just the same bunch of rhetoric. guilt and paranoia as there was before I stopped going. Reminds me what I have been missing all these years LOL [8>].

    Get this...We have to be alert at all time...Can we trust what our mate or family member says?
    is this a new age form of divide and conquer, or just another "red under the bed" thing? Could they be alarmed at the fact that people can actually find out some real facts from the internet these days?

    The bits about not murmering against the elders goes very nicely with Amazing's post on elders and sins.

  • Farkel

    Nice observations.

    : Also degrading sex practices between married couples...

    Did they happen to defined exactly what "degrading" is? Of course it MUST be something that is done when a married couple in the privacy of their own bedroom and with absolute mutual consent do and which also harms neither of them, but gives pleasure to one or both them. Well, SHAME on them, those married dummies! Married in the sight of God and given permission to engage in sex (actually it was an Edenic command). After a while of being married, most couples kind of get bored with the old "grunt, grunt, squirt, squirt" part and endeavor to spice things up a little bit to keep their love-life active. Well THOSE CRIMINALS! How DARE they do such a thing in the rule-driven world of WatchtowerLand? Isn't sex in all its various forms supposed to be FUN? God made it to be fun. Idiotic humans are trying to take away what God made it to be. Who ARE these people who think they can state crap like that as if God himself was speaking?

    What sickens me most about such comments from those Brooklyn anal types is they did not precisely define "degrading sex practices" among hetero married couples Of course, they cannot, because the Bible doesn't do it. Yet they are a totally "Bible-based" religion. Or are they? As a result of using that general term, they will continue to wreck even more marriages. Wife says: "You can't touch me there. It's degrading. Just enter me and have your way, but if you take too long, it's degrading. And don't kiss my breasts, either. I think that is degrading. In fact, don't even kiss my lips, either. I think that is degrading." Husband says: "won't you even take off your bra, or let me turn the lights back on?" Wife says: "NO! That's degrading. Just do it to me."

    Of course, the husband could also be the rabid dub who finds anything his healthy and frisky wife might imagine to also be degrading.

    Those Brooklyn Arseholes are the most disgusting Pharisees imaginable. I spit on each and every one of them for manipulating and harming good people like that. They are screwing around with marital life and they have no right, Biblical or otherwise to do so. Those "suggestions" from this last District Assembly will destroy countless marriages. I will guarantee it.


  • Wolfy

    I totally agree with you Farkel...

    The wife and I were discussing this point. We both agreed it is none of their business what goes on in our bed-room...And the Bible does not say "Thou shalt not have a BJ"...lol...

    Just more rules and "suggestions" by old men who have probably never had "good sex"...hehe

    I also noticed that there weren't many people taking notes this year...People seemed really bored...




  • Scorpion


    Next time take a thermos full of booze, it might help! Don't give the kids any.

  • larc


    Thanks for the update. Someone else posted the exciting events of Friday and Saturday, so I got the full picture. I am so blessed they are going to have three conventions in my city. I was going to attend and take notes and make some observations, but after reading your comments and the others I have read, I don't think I could handle it. I was having convention flash backs as I read your post. Makes me gag as much as Witness on Line does.

    If I do go, I think I will show up in blue jeans, a denim shirt and a black leather cowboy hat to complement my grey bushy beard. I will bring a pocket note pad, and no Bibles, song books or other paraphenalia. I think they might get the idea, that I am not one of them. I wonder if a brother will be assigned to follow me around if I leave my seat and take a walk?

    If anyone asks me about why I am there, I will tell them that I am a free lance writer, which is kinda, sorta true. Should I tell them that I am writing an article for Free Minds Journal?

  • esther


    Elders have a heavy responsiblity..don't shrink back..What they say must be firmly based on the Bible and the WT lit.

    What they really mean is it must be firmly in line with WTBTS ideas.

    Guess they are too lazy to change the talks. Been giving the same ones for over 30 years, at least.


    If anyone asks me about why I am there, I will tell them that I am a free lance writer, which is kinda, sorta true.
    Good idea, you would probably get VIP treatment.
    Should I tell them that I am writing an article for Free Minds Journal?
    Maybe do that at the end. That would really stir them up.


  • Latte


    Thanks for your comments. I was considering going this weekend......don't think I will now.
    I do think that these rules and suggestions, are by old men that have NEVER had sex........let alone "good sex" LOL I'd love to know if they had children, I think that a lot give up that privilege of being a parent, don't they?........sorry I couldn't help it I just had to say that!

    The Thermos full of booze is a brilliant idea, you could put ice cubes in aswell........don't forget the umbrella if you mixed yourself a cocktail!


  • Mulan

    I had the same experience reading this, that larc posted. Convention flasbacks. ....shudder.... Everytime we drive past the Tacoma Dome, my husband says it makes his butt pucker! I have to admit it gives me the creeps too, even when a convention isn't in session. And, I LOVED the conventions, not so much for the sessions, but for the socializing.

    I looked forward to them every year, especially the years (about 10) that we parked at the hotel, right next to the Tacoma Dome grounds in our RV. Lunchtime was wonderful. Breeze out to the trailer and relax for an hour or so. Kids could run and play. It was great. Our friends were in their RV's too. The last one we went to, I admit, we were in the trailer more than we were in the Dome. My husband had a work assignment (of course) and whenever I went looking for him, I would find him in the trailer with a fresh pot of coffee, reading his book (a novel). He would grin at me, like "what kept you?" So we would sit it out, until we HAD to make an appearance again. You could only park in those spots if you had a health challenge or a work assignment that required you be there day and night.
    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan) edited to fix the smiley.......again.

  • slipnslidemaster
    Next time take a thermos full of booze, it might help! Don't give the kids any.

    Funny you should say that. We used to do just that! We would be all underage drunk as skunks walking around the concourse. Passed the day!

    Slipnslidemaster: "Men have become the tools of their tools."
    - Henry David Thoreau

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