20 hours of work about to turn to sawdust...

by FMZ 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • barry

    Gday FMZ,

    Dont try to fly it yourself go to a club they usually have experts there who will teach you to fly with a buddy box system.

    Ive got three planes flying myself all radio control.

    I had a pilots licence when I learnt to fly models and beleive me the models were much harder to fly. I would crash a model right in front of my passengers and then take them up in a cessna 172. Barry

  • Sunnygal41

    Keith, got a personal experience for ya, dude! Oh, before I start, DUDE, RAWK ON! BECOME ONE WITH THE AIRCRAFT!! LOL! That said, I remember my dad building one of these, and when he put this pink, thin paper over the wings to cover the gaps, my sister and I as little tykes took great joy in poking our fingers thru the paper, and hearing that gratifying "pop!" as our stubby little digits broke thru! LMAO! My dad almost had a melt down, my mom said, and it took all her "diplomacy" as a mom to calm him down and not want to tear our butts up!



  • FMZ

    lmao you guys... Thanks for the support and encouragement.

    Well, I took the plane out a total of about 3 times yesterday (between various repairs etc). It had an airtime of approximately 10 seconds in total.. lol

    Fortunately, I can say that the plane is still intact, apart from one servo that worked its way loose, which I will fix today. When that is done, I will take her out again and see if I can't get her more than 10 feet off the ground. Wish me more luck, apparently I didn't have enough yesterday... lol


  • frenchbabyface

    More luck ! More luck ! More luck ! (for 3 other tests !)

  • Lehaa

    Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of luck.

    Keep up posted!!!!!

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