No More Harboring Private Ideas!

by RationalWitness 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • RationalWitness

    Just finished reading the August 1, 2001 Watchtower. The second study article is entitled How to Make Your Advancement Manifest. And just how is that? Well, after quoting Ephesians 4:11-14, here’s what paragraphs 8 and 9 advise:

    First, since “oneness” is to be observed, a mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and “the faithful and discreet slave.” By regularly taking in the spiritual food provided “at the proper time”—through Christian publications, meetings, assemblies, and conventions—we can be sure that we maintain “oneness” with fellow Christians in faith and knowledge.—Matthew 24:45.

    Second, the expression “the faith” refers, not to the conviction that each individual Christian professes, but to the totality of our belief, “the breadth and length and height and depth” of it. (Ephesians 3:18; 4:5; Colossians 1:23; 2:7) In fact, how can a Christian be in oneness with fellow believers if he only believes or accepts a certain part of “the faith”? This means that we must not be content with knowing just the basic teachings of the Bible or having just hazy or partial knowledge of the truth. Rather, we should be interested in taking advantage of all of Jehovah’s provisions through his organization to dig deeply into his Word. We must endeavor to gain as accurate and as full an understanding of God’s will and purpose as possible. This includes taking the time to read and study the Bible and Bible publications, to pray to God for his help and guidance, to attend Christian meetings regularly, and to have a full share in the Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work.—Proverbs 2:1-5.

    In case you missed it in your initial reading (not likely, since I bolded it), you certainly will not miss the point when this article is studied in September: You may NOT “harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding”! How exactly can that work? If I hold a gun to your head and tell you to believe that elephants populate the moon, will you truly believe it? Or will you, rather, continue to ‘harbor your private idea’ about pachyderm migration habits? Can belief simply be ‘legislated’? Evidently the Society thinks so.


    Trust those who are searching for truth; doubt those who have found it.

  • DB

    Rational, I also read the article and commented on it in another thread. I did find the statements in question rather disturbing. Thanks.

  • Francois

    "A man convinced against his will remains unconvinced."

    I don't know who said that, but I certainly agree.


    My $0.02

  • Farkel

    Greetings RW,

    I talked earlier today with a mutual friend of ours and asked permission to reveal what I know to be the ultimate in Bethel "G-Jobbing" on this board by one of the most evil bastards in WTLand. Sigh. I can't do it at this time. It would be an unbeelievable revelation, too.

    You quoted this:

    : You may NOT “harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding”!

    LOL! WT stupidity at its finest: Mom says to errant son: "Go sit in the corner for one hour and I DEMAND that you do not spend one second of your time thinking about Polar Bears! We don't believe in Polar Bears and YOU are not allowed to ever think about them. EVER!"

    Son sits in the corner for one hour and the subject of "Polar Bears" NEVER enters his mind! Yeah, right!


  • mustang


    Thanks, from those of us who no longer subscribe, pick 'em up at the counter or dumpster-dive for wt's & g's.

    It looks like we know what the next crusadin', witch-huntin' crime will be for the back-room boys in the JC's. It's less than 2 shakes away from being official now. They have a WT to quote on it.

    Talk about thought-control, 1984 and the star chamber trials. Now they CAN fry you for thinking.

    Thanks for the heads-up.


  • slipnslidemaster
    study the Bible and Bible publications, to pray to God

    I love how the Bible and "Bible publications" just come out in the same breath. Like they are on the same level.


    Slipnslidemaster: "Men have become the tools of their tools."
    - Henry David Thoreau

  • RedhorseWoman

    We must remember when reading these things that only active JWs are truly free. Active JWs are not braindead robots. Active JWs are not braindead robots. Active JWs are not brain.....brain......brain...... CLICK robots.

  • mustang


    A second thought: some time ago, I wondered in amazement at the contortion of so-called doctrines that have sprang up since last being around those folks. It is such a mess that I would be afraid to opne my mouth to try to explain it.

    'What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive', comes to mind. Same thing goes for coverups and patches on old dogma/doctrines.

    It would definitely take all your waking hours to keep it straight. I still wouldn't open my mouth to explain it.


  • RationalWitness

    Hi Farkel!

    Hmmmm, would you email on the g-job? You've got me trying to remember. So long ago, so far away.

    As absurd as is the idea that the Society can somehow legislate away 'private thoughts' (even circuit overseers have occasionally shared divergent 'private thoughts' with me), the thing that struck me most about the quote was that it seems to harken back to the infamous Society letter to CO's. The article empowers hardline elders to pursue dissident ones by invoking a 'thought police' clause.

    Look forward to hearing from you,

    Trust those who are searching for truth; doubt those who have found it.

  • Maximus

    Hello, Maxissimus!

    Here's the straight stuff:
    The Bible House is getting more and more polarized. The cracks are showing. Knowledgeable troops are restless, only the hardliners are satisfied.

    That's true in the field too. An active CO told me last week he had pushed for years to get the Society to relent on the college thing, then in 1992 he rejoiced when certain GB members saw they weren't getting enough qualified personnel applying for Bethel service and made an "adjustment." He feels the km 6/1 has left him hung out to dry, "we've made a huge step backwards." If he proceeds as usual and ignores it, he's in trouble. After all these years he feels this viewpoint is plain dead wrong. Just one small area. Blood policy is another. Recriminations over not having a uniform policy for pedophiles. Trouble right here in River City--field men are conflicted.

    Some very tough times ahead for old friends when the blood starts flowing.

    ::Trust those who are searching for truth; doubt those who have found it.

    Wish I'd said that.

    "A ship ought not to be held by one anchor, nor life by a single hope."

    Edit PS: I had posted this before I saw your reply. We were thinking similarly and I thought of that very communication. The field situation is very much like what you describe.

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