It's Time to Find New Vistas

by Farkel 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • ohiocowboy

    Thanks for the website of your music!!! I loved Misty, Winter love song, and Liebestraum. ROFLMAO @ Dubsticks!!!

    You are very talented! Can't wait to hear more.

    Thanks again,


  • Farkel

    : Where is my Claire de Lune?

    I suspect you keep asking me to do this because YOU also play it. That's ok.

    I need to take a break from the Rach Rhapsody, anyway. I've hardly played anything else. It's very difficult. I've had to learn both the piano part and the orchestra part, so it is twice the work. The whole thing is 23 minutes long.

    I'll give you Clair de Lune, but be warned. I play it better than you do, sucker!


  • Valis


    suspect you keep asking me to do this because YOU also play it. That's ok. me..if I could play piano I would be the Farkelmiester!..

    *LOL* freak boy...I am just giving you a hard time, but I ahve all my digital photos of CFB together and my friend is going to put them together w/the music...whenever you get around to it..


    District Overbeer

  • Farkel


    Winter Love Song is actually a Korean song that was sent to me by an old internet friend who went by the name of "Gotcha". The words were in Korean, but the music was in,! She told me that this music was the theme for a Korean soap opera. It is highly syncopated and rather difficult to get right due to the rhythms.

    Glad you enjoyed it. My premiere piece on my site is the Danse Macabre (Dance of the dead). That took me nearly nine months to learn. It was orginally written for the orchestra by Camille Saint Saens and later reduced to a piano solo by Franz Liszt. Franz Liszt made everything he touched nearly impossible to play.


  • Farkel

    : CFB



  • Valis

    eh yes Farkies...Claire Frances Bush.....7 year old Girl Scout, FFA Member, Pep Squad whatever, and all around good girl...possibly will be an astronaut or ballerina... maybe an assassin, but never a JW..


    District Overbeer

  • TMS
  • TMS

    "How about your wife? Obviously you have your issues with me.

    I'm not asking anyone to "beg" for my return, dummy. Do you know the meaning of "hiatus" or should I toss up a flash card up for you to help you remember what it means?"


    Naaaah! Ur a little full of urself but that could be JW residue.

    I appreciate logical essays and you have submitted quite a number.

    A "hiatus"? That is soooo Hollywood! I've been on a permanent one since the first of the year.

    Actually, I think these kids do a fine job of showing the way out of the Watchtower. We raised a generation of so-called double lifers.

    They never gave two hoots about the "70 weeks of years" prophecy. They just knew damn well they didn't want to be JW's.

    They're articulate enough. William Shakespeare and Jack Kerouac could both express the same thought, but differently.

    What's that card say, again? Oh . . . . hiatus!


  • Farkel

    : A "hiatus"? That is soooo Hollywood! I've been on a permanent one since the first of the year.

    It shows.


  • Farkel


    : *LOL* freak boy...

    Never been called that before. Not sure what that means and not sure I want to know.......


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