You Might Wanna Share This Info With Your Psych Therapist.....

by Frannie Banannie 22 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Thanks Frannie for sharing this very helpful info. It's great to see this kind of info. And here I was thinking I was finally starting to become normal :)

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    anyway it had lots of marks in it and i shared it with my significant other and he read thru it and found a few points that i had missed that applied to me. such as music triggering things. he's noticed how some songs send me to a dark place, i get quiet, turn the music off and start fretting..... in hindsight i see it too but i was so touched that he knows me well enough to notice things about me. i spent the first 35 + yrs in the "truth" and from a child on i PRAYED constantly for Jehovah to help me find a close friend.. funny , after i left the org i now have someone who cares enough about me to KNOW me.. and has shown me how to BE a friend as well.

    again thanks for the info.. if i get to go back to my therapist i will definitely take it with me.

    Ohhhh, Candidly! That is SO special! Thanks for sharing that.....sounds like a "keeper" to me, eh?

    Thank you all for sharing this info. It's also very timely since I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow. It fits me to a "T" and I'm printing it out for reference.

    Good on ya, Moreisbetter! I think every psych doc and therapist should have copies, eh?

    Thanks Frannie for sharing this very helpful info. It's great to see this kind of info. And here I was thinking I was finally starting to become normal :)

    I know, (((ChevyN)))) I think that most of us realize it's like victims of abuse.....we'll live with the memories for the rest of our lives....while we'll reach the point where their (and our) teachings and interactions don't influence our every thought and action any more, there will still be times when we "flashback" to different behaviors and thinking patterns....

    Frannie B

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    bttt along with jgnat's "Newbies, Everything You Wanted to Know" thread, eh?

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