I am celebrating!

by notperfectyet 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • notperfectyet

    I just got my annulement papers in the mail. It took me 21/2 years to get an annulment.

    For the ones who were there for me, I will be there for you always.

    For the ones who took care of this person. Please keep taking care of him, he needs it.

    I am very happy!!!!!!!!

    Happy dance.........

    BTW the annulment took place in March, I just got the legal crap today cuz no one knows where I live now...ROFL............

  • imallgrowedup

    good thing..... being that you're getting married and all.....!



  • notperfectyet


    I think..(hope) I am meeting you at sassys, then you will get smacked...LOL

  • imallgrowedup

    promises, promises..........!

  • arrowstar

    I think..(hope) I am meeting you at sassys, then you will get smacked...LOL

    growedup -

    I'd be careful if'n I was you

    npy -

    w00t!!! (happydancingcuzitsthebestthingtodoatatimelikethisandIknowthatyou'rejustgiddykindathingy)


    HAPPY DANCE!!!!!

  • Gadget

    I remember when I got my final papers through. I was sitting at a convention with my papers trying to work out the date of the final ting, then found out it was the week when my parents were away(I was back living with them at the time), and had already arranged to have a party. The party ended up HUGE, and amazingly, there was next to no trouble there either. At some point through the night I was chasing my best friends wife round with a set of handcuffs(Don't ask....), and she burst into the bathroom to try and lock the door, but I got there too quick. When we turned around, we saw another partygoer was already sitting on the toilet, but he had forgot to lock the door and was completely naked....... Needless to say we forgot about the handcuffs and rolled about laughing, making sure we told everyone else. That weekend went down in history as the best party most of the people there had ever been to.

  • Sassy

    I am SO glad you got it taken care of NPY!!!! We will celebrate when you come here soon for a visit!!!

  • SixofNine

    Good riddance! *puts on South Pacific and dances for npy*

  • arrowstar

    dayum Sixy....I'm learning all kinds of things about you this morning. Who knew you could wear coconut shells and a grass skirt so well?

    Bali hi to ya

    Lisa of the "happy talk" class

  • notperfectyet

    Thanks to all!


    Happy dancing!

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