From God's Hands To Yours

by TD 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    The Rockland Massachusetts Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses presents: Bob and Roberta's most excellent African Adventure. Giraffe
    Bob and Roberta Max out their credit card $4,000 to go on assignment from Jehovah.[1989] Their assignment is two weeks @ the $ociety's Branch under construction in Nigeria.Bob bangs nails and Roberta folds men's underwear in 'her assignment from Jehovah' @ Laundry department. When they got their assignment orders from Brooklyn I am telling you they really believed in their hearts of hearts that this came right down from Almighty God himself. I ,took Bob aside and asked him if he was speaking in hyperbole.NO was his answer,a quiver of fear came over me which I shrugged off for the time being...

  • Gadget
    btw, ps Tom, which mag & date was that from?

    WT October 1st 1987

  • TD

    Thanks Gadget

    Another way one can make the implicit claim of inspiration is to state that God speaks through them.

    One of the most striking examples of this ocurred in the July 1, 1943 issue of The Watchtower.

  • cyber-sista

    If the WT is not inspired then how come its members are supposed to obey it to the letter? This was spelled out for me loud and clear in a letter from the society giving me directions in the form of old WT articles. The elders did the same. If you are not obeying the words of the WT you are not obeying the words of God--that was their message loud and clear...

    PS. It didn't work to argue that point with them.

  • Leolaia

    This is a really great thread!

    I just noticed another thing in the 1987 article:

    If you stop breathing air, you will die in a few minutes. If you stop drinking water, you will die in a few days. If you stop eating food, you will die in a few weeks. If you stop feeding on Jehovah's provisions, then when you die you will be dead forever.

    They then go on to cite Jesus in Matthew 4:4 to support this. Though I don't have the rest of the article, they seem to be equating WT literature with God's Word, no?

  • TD

    Hi Leolaia,

    To be fair, the association is not quite so blatant as to displace the Bible. I think even JW's would have objected to that. (But I wouldn't bet anything of value!)

    Paragraph 2 in its entirety reads:

    "Jesus pointed this out when he said: "Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah?s mouth." (Matthew 4:4) The lower creations have no concept of eternity, but man does, as Ecclesiastes 3:11 says: "Even time indefinite he has put in their heart." Or as the Revised Standard Version renders it: "He has put eternity into man?s mind." Hence, man?s heartfelt desire is to live to time indefinite, even forever. Air, water, and bread alone are not enough for that. To live forever requires spiritual provisions based on "every utterance coming forth through Jehovah?s mouth." Today, they are found in one book, the Bible, and the supply is inexhaustible?all that you need, more than you can hold. This cupboard is never bare."

    However the article does claim that WT publications are one of "Jehovah's spiritual provisions" just as food in the Garden of Eden and manna in the wilderness were. Predictably, it goes on to explain that just as "SOME" murmured and complained about those spiritual provisions in times past, "SOME" are not satisfied today ---blah blah blah....


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Maybe the Society has to change thier teachings and tell us that THERE is a burning hell that we would suffer for eternity. I betcha 99 percent of us would go back if that happened. The teaching that nothing happens after death sort of like doesn't scare anyone into staying.

  • Leolaia

    Armageddon is their hell. That's their scare tactic. However their credibility on the matter weakens every year that passes.

  • greven

    A classic image! This one is hard to deny and gives a great picture of how they think. Show this to any outsider and they will tell you exactly how a witness views his reading material and the ones providing it... I saved this gem for my files! Thanx!


  • iiz2cool

    Interesting. It shows Jehovah dealing directly with the Watchtower Society. Where's Jesus?


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