Turns out liquor store in my neighborhood is owned by JW's

by run dont walk 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    I was very surprised, here in Alberta, Canada, they privatized the liquour stores about 10-15 years ago, and the amount of stores TRIPLED, practically one on every corner now,

    Well, it turns out, that one store in my neighborhood isowned and operated by this family that are Jehovah's Witnesses, belong to a Chinese congregation,

    I would think this would not be allowed, or show poor judgement, they say its wrong to have a store and sell cigarettes, but maybe alcohol is ok,

    I guess as long as they send the Society a check, there's no problem.

  • Scully

    Well, as you know, it's a matter of Bible Principles? when it comes to JWs and the Almighty Dollar. You see, Jesus himself turned water into wine... and not just the cheap stuff either! Paul admonished Timothy to have a "little wine" for his stomach and frequent cases of illness. Even Judge Ratherflawed was known to imbibe from time to time , and is recorded (in the 1920s, if I recall correctly) as thanking various benefactors for the fine Christmas gift of Canadian whiskey.

    There are no similar Bible Principles? in effect for tobacco products.

    Love, Scully

  • blondie

    There is nothing wrong with selling liquor in a bar or a store since there is nothing wrong with drinking liquor, just overdrinking.

    I wonder if they sell cigarettes as a sideline? That is a tricky situation.


  • undercover
    I wonder if they sell cigarettes as a sideline? That is a tricky situation.

    I think it's in a KM somewhere that if the JW owns the store he cannot stock or sell tobacco products. If the JW is an employee of the store, and running cash register is a duty of theirs, there is no problem with him/her ringing up tobacco products in that the JW can not control the items stocked and sold by the owners.

    As far as selling alchohol, there's no written rule that I know of prohibiting JWs from owning/running liquor stores. Depending on the area, it might raise a few eyebrows of the more conservative JWs. I do know of JWs that were discouraged from working as bartenders or playing in bands that played in bars. That bad association thing. I guess sellling liqour doesn't require as much association with worldly people as does bartending or playing in a bar band.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    In the U.S. it's not uncommon for liquor stores to sell lottery tickets as well as cigarettes-- two definite ``no-nos" for dubbies.

  • Junction-Guy

    This just goes to show the hypocrisy or the organization, for years they have discouraged brothers from wearing beards because it might "stumble " someone and yet they allow JW's to own liquor stores? this is unbelievable


  • XQsThaiPoes

    I read the article it allows JW nurses to give abortions and blood transfusions too but makes JW docters give second thoughts. In Real life a JW Dr cant be busted by any JWs because it is confidential also he can always have another one of his partners sign for it.. This is one of those paprer tigers in JWs that lurks but has little imput.

    Their is no ban it is just what you can get away with like most things in JWs. Owning a liquor store gives a lot of income so they are probally have higher status tham most JWs in their cong too.

  • finallyspringlol

    i have a question....will this bro and sis report another bro and sister, if they frequent their store too much...lol. sorry just had to ask...

  • Insomniac

    I don't get why this should be a problem. I mean, Jesus very first miracle was turning water into wine! As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing wrong with anybody selling alcohol.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Well at least all the loco kingdoms halls can get a cheap wine discount memorial time!

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