The Craptacular Pain Of Jealousy

by Obviously Secret 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaredg

    i can't believe that some of you actually advised that he go out and get laid. if you are already emotional getting laid will not help fact it might make it worse especially being a virgin. my advice is to just look ahead and have fun being single and not having a ball and chain to drag you down. travel, meet new people and don't push the issue. when you meet someone right it'll work out. you still have plenty of time.

  • truthseeker1

    People want what others have. You may see a beautiful woman or a shiny car, and want them bad for yourself. Well, you have something that they want too. It could be your youth or something else... Use what you got to get what you want.

  • desib77
    i can't believe that some of you actually advised that he go out and get laid. if you are already emotional getting laid will not help fact it might make it worse especially being a virgin.

    I completely agree! That won't solve anything.


  • Stefanie
    When I read stories, even on this website, about people finding love and having great experiences in life I just can't help but get TERRIBLY jealous over it and start to think about it for hours

    What in particular bothers you?

  • Crazy151drinker
    been jealous like seriously for a good... 5 years I say.

    Easy cure: Bang her sister.

  • Snapdragon

    Sorry all, gotta agree with Jared & Desi on this one. Sex doesn't make jealousy go all. You just want to feel something, with someone who returns those feeling. I know because I remember that, from myself. Well it came to me and was worth waiting for.

    So call her OS. Haven't we already had this discussion? Honestly young one!



  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    I have never coveted another's mate or gotten jealous.I have had yearnings and been lovestruck, that's not the same agony,and this is the kicker:there is plenty of fish in the sea

    Now about Emotions I have had rage for the WT$ for defrauding me of my youth and the romances that i missed out on because of their lying bullshit.

  • Bryan


    I know how you feel. I grew up with no love and desired it so bad. I married at 18, thinking that marriage would bring me love and happiness. I was soooo wrong! Accept for the fact that I have a wonderful daughter, this was the biggest mistake of my life.

    Do you have friends to do things with? Somewhere to channel your energies.

    This may sound odd at your age, but you won't find true happiness until you learn to love yourself. From your latest posts, it's obvious you don't. Time moves slowly at your age, but things will get better. One day you'll look back and hopefully have learned something from what you are going through now. Just hang in there buddy!

    Take care,


  • ApagaLaLuz
    i can't believe that some of you actually advised that he go out and get laid. if you are already emotional getting laid will not help fact it might make it worse especially being a virgin.

    Thanks for some words of wisdom Jared. Dem boys, gotta love them (sometimes)

    OS I think sometimes you are much smarter than your age. This can be very frustrating. I too get jealous of people with these beautiful realtionships. I get jealous of the men on here who love their wives, and girlfriends and have no problem telling others about it. It's a natural thing. You have to remember that those who have finally found a great person in many cases had to go through some crap ones first. You too will have to do that. Rarely does a 16 year old find and fall in love with the "love of their lives". Only in the movies my friend. You should continue learning like you have, and it's good that you're a deep enough thinker to recognize things about yourself that alot of people dont figure out till they're much later in life. That's a good thing, you should be picky then, and realize that it will take a special girl to live up to your standards!!!! Dont rush in to anything. You sound like the type of person who "banging a bunch of chicks" will only make feel empty.

    As for the boys with those suggestions, well...... they're pimps so you gotta love them

  • ApagaLaLuz
    I quit placing lots of importance on women. I can survive fine without a woman.

    p.s. I wanted to add that NOS has some great advice. It's teh same for women too. Some people just can never be "alone" without a relationship. The best step you'll ever make is the day you can learn to be happy with youself, by yourself. There really is so much more to life than a boyfriend or girlfriend.

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