Does Anyone Else Ever Encounter This???

by ohiocowboy 24 Replies latest social relationships

  • Stefanie

    I got called stupid for spilling something last night.

    So I laughed in his face and man did it piss the crap outta him. I was laughing so hard, it was funny.

    I didnt get mad or raise my voice,

    But clearly i got the point across to him that he was being childish, even if it was I, the one who drank too much and spilled. We were both drunk.

    On second hand just ignore me.

  • tazmaniac

    is that your car razor ???

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    sorry to hear this. Life, even post JW life, in my experience, is never perfect.

    If you think you partner and the relationship is worth it; do what you can to improve; repair; restore.

    If not; show them the door and the marching orders.

  • PurpleV
    It feels as though they are using this as a "Scapegoat", because even if that person comes home in a bad mood, or has to do something that they don't like, and an argument insues, I automatically am made the "Bad Guy", even though I was previously in a good mood before things started

    My ex-husband used to do that constantly. He would start s*** and we'd get into a bad fight. It was never ever his fault. That is abusive behavior and I tolerated it for way too long.

  • ohiocowboy

    I don't consider it abusive, as this person truly is caring, and shows great love in many other ways. It just gets my goat that people know how screwed up JW's are in the first place, and even after leaving, I still feel that I am walking around with a big JW on my forehead. I did talk to this person about what I was feeling, as per recommendations from y'all, and they have given me more slack the past couple of days. I guess communication does really work.

    Thanks for all of your support, it is much appreciated!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    (((OhioCowboy))) Get the GUN!

    Frannie B

  • Mulan

    Isn't it always the other guy's fault?

  • simplesally

    You may not consider it abusive but it is cruel. He is not facing reality if he is always blaming you, he is not accepting any responsibility for any of your arguments or communication problems. How can he say that all your problems are the result of being a former JW???

    Dr. Phil would ask your partner: "How's this working for you?"

    Well, it's not working for him. Everytime he does this, the argument is not settled and you are left feeling bad and blamed.

    Getting advice from this board though is not going to change a thing between you two. Try getting counseling if your relationship is important to you.

  • ohiocowboy

    Yes, I have decided to go back to a therapist. First I will discuss my own issues, and once I feel comfortable, I will then discuss relationship issues, or maybe I will discuss those at first too, I have to test the waters, and see how it goes.....

    Thanks again!

  • avishai

    Yup, I deal w/ this too. It's ALWAYs my damn fault.. I hate it. We have a kid together, but, man. EVERY time something is brought up, it's all my fault. It just might be a deal breaker. I can't take much more.

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