The Popcorn Kernel vs. The Ear Canal

by imallgrowedup 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • imallgrowedup

    Have any of you ever had your child (or know of a child) who decided to experiment with foreign objects and how they may or may not fit into bodily orifices?! Well, today, my child did! Since today is "No TV Sunday," my son was bored to tears, as he is every Sunday when we will not allow him to watch the television. So what did he do to pass the time away?! He decided to see what would happen if he placed unpopped popcorn kernels in his ears! Of course, being the independent child that he is, once he realized that they would get stuck, he decided to perform his own "extraction" procedure by placing a Q-tip into his ear canal and pressing on the popcorn kernel! (As if it would come out the other ear, I suppose!) Needless to say, this resulted in a trip to the emergency room, whereby the doctor only managed to shove it even further into his ear! So, now we have to make a trip to the Ear specialist, where it is quite likely he will have to undergo surgery!

    Comment from son while in emergency room:

    Son: (sniffing and trying to act very brave) "Mommy, I'm a very lucky boy!"

    Me: (wondering how he could possibly consider needing ear surgery as "lucky") "And how is that?"

    Son: (between sniffs) "Because the one I put in my other ear fell out"!!!

    Me: (to self) "You better believe it, kid"!!!!!

    I think we will do away with "No TV Sundays" from here on in!


  • Euphemism
    I think we will do away with "No TV Sundays" from here on in!

    Why do I picture growedup's son as a larger vesion of Stewie, declaiming "Victory is mine!"?

    Seriously, sorry to hear about your son's aural dysfunction, growedup, and here's hoping it can be cured with minimum invasiveness!

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Imallgrowedup.

    Yes I have heard of kids doing this sort of thing.

    I had two cousins who took an old camera apart and put the screws in their ears.. Doctor got them out though.

    I guess to say that your Sunday was uneventful and relaxing would be an understatement. The rule in our house for Sundays is no "screens" until 12 noon... and Saturdays as well.

    Let us know how this all turns out


    Special K

    ps. I really like your new avatar picture.. your are all growed up.

  • Odrade

    LOL. too funny. Sorry... can't help myself. I'm getting visions on little tiny vacuum cleaners for extraction...ha!


  • CountryGuy

    Three comments:

    1) When I was a teenager, a buddy of mine threw a popcorn kernel at me and it went in my ear. Fortunately, I was able to tilt my head and "bang" my head with my hand and it fell right out. But it was a very wierd feeling. If it hadn't have fallen right out, I probably would have freaked out.

    2) My parents did a "No TV" day. We called it "TV Sabbath" and it was every Thursday. It wasn't so bad during the school year, but during the summer it was torture! It lasted until I was old enough to get a summer job. I used the time to study for the following week's meetings... yeah right... study for the meetings....

    3) Hope all goes well with your son's ear. Please keep us posted.


  • Elsewhere

    Make sure you tell him that if they can't get the kernel out, he'll have to go through the rest of his life with a plant growing out the side of his head.

  • simplesally

    How awful! How old is he???

  • ohiocowboy

    Yipes!!! I've heard of potato's in ones ears......but Corn! Reminds me of when I used to stick grapes up my nose, fortunately they were soft and mushy, and never got stuck!

    Hope all works out OK!!!

  • Scully

    My son had something like this happen when he was about 7. Except it was a small bead for stringing on fishing line. The doctor took a syringe with warm water and flushed the ear. The bead floated right out. Hopefully that's all it will take to get the popcorn kernel out of your boy's ear.

    Love, Scully

  • FMZ

    Hmmm... what about localized micro-waves aimed at the kernel in question... maybe it will "pop" right out... hehe

    Seriously though, I hope and pray that all goes well in getting the thing out, tell the kid that the Futher Mucking Zombie is rooting for him!


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