My state must have the most JW's!

by Atilla 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atilla

    Yeah, I was thinking New York, but that is an abnomality, plus aren't they downsizing anyways. If Pennsylvania doesn't have the most, then I definately do think they have the most militant hard core JW's around. These dubs are going down with the ship.

  • avishai
    Several years ago Oregon had the highest ratio of JWs:pop in the country. It was (I believe) 1:199, sharing this dubious honor with one other state that I can't remember right now. Probably because I live in Oregon, and not that other state

    I believe it was Hawaii

  • Atilla


    That's not good for Peternut who is moving to Maui, ikes.

  • Odrade

    Avishai, that's what I was thinking too. Hawaii, but couldn't remember for sure. I wish I had those statistics still. I think I came by that info by way of a C.O. visit several years ago... I've been looking online but no luck. The only thing I've found is, but their sampling is 113,000 cold call survey throughout the states. Not particularly accurate.

  • richard

    In an article on JW child custody issues by Carolyn Wah (she is a lawyer and Associate General Counsel of the WTS) she writes:

    "As of January 2001, the six states (inculding DC) with the largest ratio of Witnesses to non-Witnesses in descending order are:

    OR (1:166) FL (1:178) CA (1:186) NM (1:193) DC (1:196) and WA (1:208).

  • Joker10

    Highest ratios: Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, Delaware, Maine, Rhode Island

    Lowest ratios: North Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, South Dakota, Nebraska

  • betty boop
    betty boop

    Hmm..i woulda never thought hawaii cuz theyre already in paradise

    here in the city of new york theyre EVERYWHERE! there are soo many kingdom halls and because of bethel its even worse..poor brooklyn

    on the other hand there are alot more people so maybe thats why its not such a big ratio difference

  • funkyderek

    Ha! The ratio here is about 1 to 1,200. Never see them.

  • itsallgoodnow

    Their growth, if you can call it that, is mostly concentrated with the spanish speaking in Texas. My guess is, in the US anyway, JWs will grow fastest where-ever there are more hispanics and slow down where there are less hispanics. No offense to the hispanic culture, they are just more receptive to the message right now, that's just how it is.

    The white witnesses in the area where I live are stratching their heads about it every day, wondering what's happened to all the other good white folks, and why all the white congregations are experiencing such a decline. You would think there wouldn't be such obvious racism, but you would be wrong. I hear some of the stupidest remarks from people who should know better... it's pathetic. I don't know, maybe it's just a demographics shift going on in Houston right now, it's hard to say for sure.

  • Atilla

    I have noticed that the one Hispanic Congregation here in central PA does very well, and having attended there before, I can attest that they always have strong attendence. I think the Hispanic Congregations focus more on the social aspects of meetings and tend to care less about doctrines, they don't get wrapped up into it as much. Perhaps, they are less willing to question doctrine as long as they are able to get along socially and use the KH more as a meet up place rather than a more religious place.

    Of course, it's also fun to go to these meetings especially if you don't know Spanish very well. You just sit there and day dream, you don't even have to answer and then after meeting you get to hang out. Still not worth it, but better than a boring white congregation where everyone is all up in your face.

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