Just had another Co visit

by codeblue 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • codeblue

    Jst2laws: I am totally drained..................but it is only 3 pm...I can't go to bed...............

    Thanks Special K for your kind comments.........I know you understand....

    I think that is why "networking" with people with same exeriences are so valuable. Thank you all so much for your support...I really appreciate you all "here".


  • core
    he said: "I think the WTBS made an apology for the 75 issue.

    ............must have missed that one ....seem to recall WE were blamed for being over expectant (if you can be such a thing)

  • codeblue

    Core: I understand your statement...........They seem to have the "excuse" for costing millions their retirement funds...

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    sorry codeblue if someone treated me like that in my own house, they would be scraping thier raws asses off the pavement of the drive way. and told to never come back , till they learn some common manners. i don't know your whole story. but you keep your head up . and show these fools no quarter. it seems till you get out the baseball bat or the shotgun, or dial 911 they can't understand you don't want to be harrassed no longer. you have to do whatever it takes to get them off your back. by the way don't try any if this with jw's unless your serious.. john

  • codeblue

    Hey John:

    I totally understand.......and wouldn't do anything violent....

    Their manners I find totally anti-social and "unloving"...Heck, the Greatest Teacher would never have treated me that way......


  • Mulan

    Remember you are a lowly woman. They deal with the man of the house. Don't take it too personally.

    The last time they were here, they addressed all comments and questions to Dave, but I chimed in anyway. I won't let them ignore me. Next time, jump right in there, girl!!

  • simplesally

    I would be upset too, but at least they are not going to be able to say that you have "apostate" thoughts or are disassociating yourself since they have no idea what you think or feel and have not heard a sound out of you!

  • seeitallclearlynow


    I'm sorry to hear how the lowly nobody/nolife Circuit Overseer treated you but this usually comforts me when something like this happens: I have read that when an adversary feels he is in a weak position or is downright losing or has lost, he behaves in an angry or antisocial manner toward you; if he feels he is in a strong position or is winning or has already won, he is now comfortable and is more kind and sociable toward you. So his behavior clearly translates this way: THIS WOMAN HAS INFLUENCE THAT WE DO NOT LIKE; WE ARE THREATENED BY HER; SO WE WILL TREAT HER WITH CONTEMPT.

    So no worries, Codeblue, their treatment of you is actually exactly what you want in this situation. They are so transparent.

    Just know that they are squirming inside.

  • seattleniceguy

    They live in a small, fearful world, CB. You're a much bigger person than they are. Sorry you had to endure their antics.


  • codeblue

    Good point Mulan........they think the husband thinks for his wife!!! (she can't think for her self, now, can she???) Ken and I talked about that point right after they left, even though it was obvious to him that they acted like I wasn't there during the hour.

    SimpleSally: another good point....I never said anything about how I feel about anything!!! Can't point any fingers at me now.

    Seeit: yes, you have to wonder what the heck the CO is thinking...acting like I am invisible...and he talked greatly about his "other half"...

    SeattleNG: thanks for your concern...I agree with your observation too!!!


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