Suicidal Thoughts

by Obviously Secret 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Sorry to put such a crappy subject on here but today and like this whole week has been pretty bad.

    Right when I went to the 5th grade I started getting I was already in the suicidal mood of things and always thought about killing myself or killing a whole bunch of other people. All during elementary school kids picked on me since I had a habbit of crawling into corners and crying or just sitting and rocking in those corners. I couldn't talk to anybody, I stuttered and I threw up every time a person talks to me for too long that pushed away ALOT of people they always talked about me throwing up all the time and everything. So I was always the main kid to pick on all the way through elementary school but I didn't start going into the suicidal mood till the 5th grade.

    In the 6th grade I started cutting myself like... once every 2 weeks pretty much. It was a hard time cause most of the kids from my elementary school came to the same middle school as me so they kind of went up to the teenage kind of making fun of people with like pranks that actually hurt way worse than just name calling. Right at the begginning of the school year a person put a letter in my locker saying, "I like you alot and I want you to meet me in the back of the school after the last bell rings." I was so freakin excited about hearing this I was happy for the first time ever in school for the whole day. I was just dreaming of how cool it would be the whole time in school it would be to have a girlfriend finally. When I went to the back of the school some kids walked up while I was back there and poured alot of bleech all over my hair and my cloths and were making fun of me for thinking a girl would actually want to go out with me. This put me over the edge like the whole 6th grade year. So after that I started to cut myself as I said every 2 weeks and sometimes alot more. All during the 6th grade year people made fun of that event mercilessly and always talked about how my hair was blonde and whitish when I'm a black guy, so it looked pretty rediculous.

    From 7th grade and 8th grade I started to stop throwing up slowly when I tried to talk to a person. I took counselling and went to theropy from like 3rd to the 9th grade but it never really helped. I started smoking weed at like the middle of the 8th grade because I was trying to fit in with a few people. Most of the people that knew me as the throw up kid left for other schools or graduated from middle school so I could finally make some friends with the local potheads of the school. I started to actually talk to people half way well but I still stuttered and I could never look at a person. I was really depressed at this time like at many other times through my whole school experience, elementary to now.

    In the 9th grade I started doing harder drugs since the dealers I was buying from were known for their coke and E. So I started doing them here and there, those things put me into an even worse mood. About 2 months in the 9th grade I was just sitting in my room reflecting on all the stuff that made my life suck and so I was just so fed up with it I just decided to end myself right there. I took about 17 tylenol PM tabs and about 5 Xanax tabs. I was so freaked out by how all that stuff felt so I passed out before taking the rest of them. I could call that a suicide attempt but it totally sucked but oh well.

    When I came back from the December Winter break or whatever. I got arrested for caring some weed in my back pack. One of the kids that use to call me throw up kid, which was almost everybody, ratted me out and I got arrested. That was a pretty sucky time for me. I had to go to an alternative school for the rest of that 9th grade year and I had to go through court and everything like that. I denied it all the way pretty much.

    So after that alternative school (AKA School prison, litterally) I went to this ghetto!!!! school near my house since I couldn't go back to my regular school. It was such hell. I couldn't make friends with anybody, not like I could have anyways, but everybody acted so ghetto and were so ignorant I couldn't even think about making friends. The kids there didn't do anything really except call me names since I was always by myself reading books and always answered the questions that the teacher asked. I had to go through a year of that now it's summer.

    I've been knowing the girl I like for about... 6 months. She really don't give a second thought to me since we only met about 4 or 5 times but I think about her constantly. She's so crazily cool and she has such an open mind while still being a JW. She's so beautiful it's amazing. I was about to go to a little wannabe JW party today but I don't think she's going with me. I started contemplating all of the terrible things about me and I started thinking about killing myself constantly. Really been doing that all week pretty much and just here and there since forever.

    My sister came in while I was crying terribly this morning saying I hate myself for like 30 minutes. We were about to go to the bookstudy but I was crying and stuff. So she came in and stuff and she didn't really think it was too big of a problem just thought I was nervous about this wannabe party. So I said nothing and she so left.

    Really I just told you my life story just to show you why I have these "suicidal thoughts" and crap. I know it's cheezy and angsty but it's starting to hurt like it did up in middle school and I don't think that's all too good.

    Just wondering if you guys ever had these kinds of things happen to ya with the suicidal thoughts or whatever and what you did to overcome them. OR you guys can give me some advice on how to cope with this stuff.

  • Confucious


    It's ok.

    There are plenty of people out there like us.

    I tried it twice.

    The last time, the police came looking for me.

    It's ok.

    Couple of sugestions.

    1) I am on Paxil. It works great for me.

    2) Think FREEDOM. That has helped me tremendously.

    When I say think Freedom, what I mean is this...

    The day it gets SO bad again that I want to commit suicide, I start making plans to move somewhere. ANYWHERE in the World. And start fresh again.

    Ever since I've been thinking that way, I've felt much better.

    3) Consider yourself in "recovery mode."

    What I mean by that is this...

    If you broke your leg, you would be laid up for several days, right?

    If you had, God forbit, cancer. You would also have to live your life differently.

    Here's the catch that MOST people can't understand (ESPECIALLY the elders when I was going.)

    Depression is a REAL DISEASE!!!

    Cut yourself a break, because I suspect that Jesus will too.

    You are sick.

    So make 100 percent allowance for yourself to think how you want. And do what you want.

    I'm not going to meetings now, but an example of using this strategy was when I was still going to the meetings.

    I would feel so guilty all the time. Missing meetings. No field service.

    Finally I thought, HEY. I'M SICK!!!

    So I would spend my time relaxing instead.

    Takes the guilt away.

    Anyway, try some of these things and feel free to message me if you want.

    I'm an expert on this topic.


  • onacruse

    OS, I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. I can relate, as I too have had suicidal thoughts; once, years ago, I had a .38 Special loaded and cocked and pointed straight up through the top of my head.

    I'm by no means qualified to speak as a psychologist or psychiatrist or anything like that, but fwiw I'd advise that you seek professional help. Especially since you are a teenager (you are 16, right?), such symptoms would seem to indicate clinical depression.

    You have my number; please feel free to call.



  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    The first time I thought of suicide was when I was 6 or 7 and looked at a can of Comet and wondered if swallowing it would kill me. I toyed with it off and on, and damn near did it when I was 23. I got into therapy then and found out what was causing so much pain. It hurt like hell, and took 6 years and frankly I'd rather have my teeth drilled before I do that again. But I dealt with my source of pain and thoughts of suicide went away. I can relate to a lot of what you are going through. Kids used to love to torment me, once they even threw me into a dumpster.

    OS, I'm sorry for your pain. You've got a tremendous amount of anger, and right now it's all turned inward. Around that anger I see waves of shame. The shame is there to keep you quiet. I encourage you to get into counseling. Do you feel safe enough talking to your parents to see if they could help you find a good therapist? Medicating your pain through marijuana will not make it go away. I'm just getting the feeling that, in addition to your justified anger at how you've treated at school, there is something deep inside that is behind the self-loathing.

    Please do not hate yourself.


  • Scully

    First of all, you need to get some help with the bullying that you are experiencing. It's destroying your self-worth and it's creating an angry spirit within you. I strongly urge you to talk to a counsellor at school about these experiences. Nobody should be allowed to harm you the way you've been bullied. It has to stop. Your parents need to get involved too - your school needs to have a zero tolerance policy against bullying. Please do not try to handle this on your own.

    Secondly, if you are contemplating suicide or bringing harm to other people - you need to talk to someone about this too. The feelings will probably diminish once the bullying is being taken care of, but you may also have a medical condition like depression that might need medication and counselling. Please get some help with this, you don't have to go through it alone.

    You have friends here, even though you don't know us. We're all here to listen and help as much as we can. But please reach out to the people you know so you can get the help you need.

    Love, Scully

  • Yerusalyim

    Lots of people feel as you do, are something similar to it. You're not alone even though you feel lonely. Get help...stay safe.

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    I quit smoking around 4 months ago. I quit to try to gain a little bit of self confidence to know I can quit and get over it by myself but it's just hitting me again. Just sucking right about now. Thanks everybody but it's just sucking right now.

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma


    I have attempted suicide more than I care to admit and the thoughts still plague me sometimes. Then I remember that suicide is introverted anger turned into depression. I think about why I am depressed and instead of being depressed, how I should be angry at the people and things in my life that make me feel this way. Instead of repressing it, I let it out, maybe going to the gym or moutain biking or just yelling until my voice goes hoarse. I think if I end up killing myself, they will win, I will be beaten and they will be glad. Sometimes it is even hard to care about that, but you have to. Think of the good times you have had, and the times so amazing you can't even imagine them yet to happen in the future. As a last resort, distract yourself and do something you enjoy, simply to stop thinking about it, dwelling on it sometimes makes it worse.

    Honestly though, I was really suprised to read this. From reading your posts you seem like much more mature than most teenagers, you writing indicates to me a keen intellect, and you are really in touch with your world and emotions and generally deal with those in a mature way. If you have trouble making friends, it is probably because their are few of your caliber who would understand you. Have you tried making older friends? Maybe take a college class this summer if possible. And of course you have many friends on this board who respect you and think you are a fine human being. You have been through some tough times, but don't worry too much, those kids who did those mean things to you are idiots and most likely will remain idiots their entire lives. In 10 years they will still be idiots, where as someone like you will likely be wherever you want to be in life, they won't have choices or won't be able to see the choices, you will have the world to do what you want. You are dealing with adult problems and they acting like 5 year olds, trust me on this, you can go as far as you want in life and they will be stuck where they are.

    Hope my rambling help or at least make some sense.

    Keep your head up.


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny
    Texas helplines: [you can just chat for starts.] Start of puberty age 13 I contracted brutal ulcerative colitis which I endured for 28 years.Life was so bad,the only way i could endure it was to console myself with thoughts;"I can get through this day because I can always die tomorrow." Know this:Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.You have your whole life ahead of you. I Love You Mug 2
  • Bryan


    I am so sorry.

    Your post brought up so many memories. Teasings; kids calling me "Jovah". Refusing to defend myself when kids would salp me in the back of the head; I was their easy target. I used to plant staples of my teachers staplers into my arm when they where gone. The other kids thought it was cool so I felt accepted.

    Though I never thought of killing myself at your age, though in my 20s I did come very close to ending it more than once.

    Please realize you can get better and you will feel purpose in your life. I know that's tough to hear while you are in your "dark room", but you can feel good. The pain can stop. There is help out there for you. If your parents are against you getting therapy, talk to your school councelor or someone there. Prozac works for me. Please don't keep all this inside yourself.

    It looks like your pretty young, but if can get around and your in the Dallas area, pm me and you can get together. My wife and I would love to meet you.


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