Latest letter from the Elders.

by uncle_onion 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear


    You probably didn't create a big fuss when you left. So they have no reason to want 'theocratic revenge', if anything gets to one of these 'spiritual policeman'it is when they can't close the case file on a notorious offender. Damn they hate skanky judicial hearing with all it's inherant pompus posturing, and then the almost sadistical orgasmic conclusion 'Disfellowshiping', is a real 'high' for these 'enforcer's'.

    Iam always so pleased when someone just ignores them. It is the worst kinda of torture you can inflict on em. They get so bored with all the r&f butt kisser's, to able to crucify a defector, that is 'theocratic warfare' at its finest.

    Iam with you Max...damn their eys, nose, mouth and petards!


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  • qwerty

    Hi UO

    We are aware that certain matters are of deep concern to you, and as you know we have a copy of the letter the Society sent you dated June 5, 2000. We have nothing further to offer on this subject; some matters have to be left in Jehovah's hands awaiting clarification in his time.

    "Wait on Jehovah......'s organisation to change the 607 b.c.e date, in other words they can not see any support for the date too. If they would continue to look into other subjects they would prob be in the same situation as we are.

    Legend as it Vampires (Elders) and Garlic don't mix
    If they knew what Sister Garlic believed and what her new feelings are, they would probably react like vampires to garlic.


    p.s Thanks for the Phone call the other day.

  • beroea

    You did it right so fare. You haven’t told anything and refuse to part in the games and return the subject right in their faces. They would love to have some words or opinions making them able to nail you but you haven’t given anything. That’s very frustrating from their point of wives. They for sure have been told to look very careful to find some things at you, but to no good. They haven’t been able to find anything.

    But please pay attention to the kind words and remember this is only to cover the real purpose. They will still try to find something to nail you. If you let some words come out to others – they will get you. So don’t do it. Be very careful.

    Lets start a game. Try to go to a single or two meetings. Show them you are not hiding and have the “balls” to look them right in their yes. But don’t tell anything.

    Have a nice game but be careful


  • esther

    Don't go UncleO.

    Copernicus you said

    I wish I had a nickel for every mile the WTS has milked from the only scripture in the bible that mentions meetings.
    But the bible doesn't say go to meetings, the NWT says in Hebrews 10
    24 And let us consider one another to love and fine works, 25 not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you behold the day drawing near
    'Gathering ourselves together' can include the 2 or 3 gathered together in Jesus' name.


  • Disengaged

    Dear Qwerty:

    The animation of the of the guy banging his head was so funny I almosy fell out of my chair when I saw it. It is incredibly funny. Where did you get that. Can I have one

    IBBEROEAN "Just making sure!"

  • uncle_onion

    thanks for all the replies. We certainly had a chuckle when we read a few of them. Not sure what is going to happen next. I will keep you informed.


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