Latest letter from the Elders.

by uncle_onion 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • uncle_onion

    I dont know if some of you remember but about 8 months ago I recieved a telephone call from the Luvvin Bruvvers and they wanted to talk to me re my "apostate" veiws. I told them that I would take legal action against them and to only contact me through letter. I recieved this today.


    Presiding Overseer: XXXXXXXX

    June 17, 2001

    Dear Brother Onion and Sister Garlic

    At a recent meeting the Body of Elders expressed their concern over your spiritual welfare in view of the long time that has elapsed since your attendance at the meetings, and asked that we write to assure you of our continued interest in your family and your spirituality.

    We are aware that certain matters are of deep concern to you, and as you know we have a copy of the letter the Society sent you dated June 5, 2000. We have nothing further to offer on this subject; some matters have to be left in Jehovah's hands awaiting clarification in his time.

    However, we do feel that you and your family can only benefit from being at the congregation meetings, and sharing the interchange of encouragement that they bring. Hebrews 10: 24,25

    The date of the Norwich Assembly is fast approaching - July 20 - 22 and you may feel that would be an opportune time to re-associate. We would like to encourage you to give this your serious consideration.

    The elders would assure you that they are genuinely concerned over your spiritual welfare, and if there is any assistance we can give please let us know.

    On behalf of your brothers seeking to care for the interests of Jehovah's household,


    Presiding Overseer.

  • reagan_oconnor

    To an uninformed reader, the letter makes them sound truly concerned for your welfare (Sister Garlic. I *love* that!).

    It turns my stomach to think that my own father writes letters like this to "inactive" members of his own congregation.

    "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul."

  • slipnslidemaster

    Reagan, I'm right there with you. BARF!!

    Slipnslidemaster: "The truth is more important than the facts."
    - Frank Lloyd Wright

    hmmmmm...where have I heard that before?

  • expatbrit

    What a cop out!

    Just the old and tired, leave it in J's hands (i.e. suppress and ignore it) and get back to meetings!

    Btw, I used to attend at Norwich. Some nice pubs in that city for when the sessions get boring.


  • BoozeRunner

    Yep, just STANDARD WTS cliches.
    "leave it in Jehovah's"="we know we are wrong, but maybe there will be some 'new light' in the future"


  • Maximus

    Ugh. Couldn't even personalize the form letter except fill in the blanks.

    Damn their eyes.


  • Cautious

    Well UncleOnion, looks like they don't know what to do about you, so are taking a pretty standardised approach.

    Just like a doctor - "Don't know what the problem is, just take this pill and get well".

    Maximus - just their eyes? - or are you just being polite?


  • larc


    Here is what they wanted to write.

    Dear Apostate Onion and his wife Garlic,

    We would like to nail your asses to the wall. Howvever, since you have threatened legal action we are going to play nice. We have no real concern for you. We would like to run you out of town on a rail, but that would not look good in the local newspapers. We are seething with hate over your imputence and if we ever have a chance we will get even. We hope you rot in the destruction of Armageddon.

  • Copernicus
    . . . we have a copy of the letter the Society sent you dated June 5, 2000. We have nothing further to offer on this subject; some matters have to be left in Jehovah's hands awaiting clarification in his time.

    Sure. . . go ahead, blame Jehovah. If he’s supposedly so willing to clarify things, why let them become so confused in the first place?

    . . . you and your family can only benefit from being at the congregation meetings, and sharing the interchange of encouragement that they bring. Hebrews 10: 24,25

    Gggggaaaggggg me with a spoon! I wish I had a nickel for every mile the WTS has milked from the only scripture in the bible that mentions meetings.

    . . . they are genuinely concerned over your spiritual welfare. . .

    Had to comment on this one, as I had a visit from my own gang recently. Massive does of guilt were served up by the ladle full. Fortunately me and mine are immune. We could only sit there and wonder about it all. Plenty of bible verses that had no bearing whatsoever on our situation – go figure. I just can’t believe I used to feed people the same bullshit. Now I understand why they had that dull, glazed over looked in their eyes, lol.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Well, I guess I'm fortunate, or perhaps they're relieved that I'm inactive. I've never received a "shepherding call", nor have I received any "encouraging" letters, or even a phone call. Funny thing is, during the first few (possibly eight or so) I would have loved to be shown even a false sense of concern. I probably would have gone back. Now that I've learned more, that would no longer be possible, however.

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