Took the next step....

by confusedjw 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Farkel

    "Gentile Times" is a very complicated read, but you'll learn a lot if you take the time to completely digest it. After COC, I recommend "In Search of Christian Freedom" the next best book for newly exiting dubs. This is is because the material is excellent, impeccably documented (as is COC), and presented in a calm and reasonable manner.

    For dubs who want to exit but are still fearful that maybe, just MAYBE the WTS might be right about their "last days" interpretations, I recommend Carl Jonsson's "Sign of the Last Days - When?" After reading that book, you'll wonder how the society EVER was able to sucker people into thinking the very things Jesus said were NOT parts of the "sign" of the last days, WERE parts of the last days. He gives great statistics about earthquakes, famines, pestilences, and world wars throughout history that were far greater than anything that has happened since 1914.

    Good luck fortune on your journey.


  • ros

    And you might want to get "Signs of the Last Days--When?" while you can. The original printing is not scheduled for reprint. As Farkel inferred, it's one of the best exJW books you'll ever read.


  • shell_mirl

    this is the first night i've been on sites like this

    Sounds to me like you've got a long road ahead of you...just remember that there are really people like US that understand what you are going through...good luck (oops, a voodoo word)

    the biggest step you could probably take was coming to a site like this in the first place. I wish I would have known about this all along!

  • FMZ

    Congratulations Wingman. Glad to hear you are one step closer (even if it is only a babystep) to liberating yourself completely.

    Oh, and I have to mention... Your avatar and Franklin J's look very similar... hmmmm .. lol


  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    I spent a large part of my childhood in the JWs. When I became a teenager I realised that this was not for me. I was dreading telling my mother I no longer wanted to attend meetings, go on field service etc. I imagined that there would be an almighty uproar from the elders and others who would camp out at my house and try and persuade me to return.

    You know what? - Never happened. I attended meetings, I stopped, I was forgotten about. The dreadful scenes I expected never materialised. I had achieved the perfect fade! Luckily my father has never been involved with the JW's and has always said that if he had realised what they were all about he would have stopped me going earlier, as well as forbidding my mother to go.

    I am very lucky that my mum has never treated me badly since I quit the JWs, and my heart goes out to those who have been shunned by their families. Mum and I are still close, and to be honest I think she still attends the Kingdom Hall out of habit more than anything else.

    I am so pleased to have found this site and want to help others escape the clutches of this despicable organisation.

  • xenawarrior


    baby steps are good !!! One foot in front of the other- your way !!

    Good luck with it !!


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