Took the next step....

by confusedjw 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • confusedjw

    Okay as my JWD friends and acquaintances know I'm trying for "the perfect fade", because family is in etc etc

    But I've just taken some "bigish" steps for me. (Babysteps in reality I suppose.)

    I've ordered CoC and "Gentile Times"

    Bought presents for my daughter on her birthday (although I avoided the Happy Birthday w/Presents thing as I haven't had the "we aren't doing the JW thing anymore" talk with her specifically)

    And said in mixed company of some other faders, worldly people and my wife "We are between religions" and "We aren't doing that JW thing anymore"

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    good for you. One step at a time....

    keep up the good work. Might I recommend that you join some clubs; or a local civic group---the reason being is that you will have to replace the support network of friends you had as a JW. A good support network is so important.

    good luck to you, Frank

  • Ciara

    Good luck, confusedjw. I didn't fade, myself - just went cold turkey - but it sounds to me like you are making some good progress. Keep at it.


  • HappyDad


    Good luck to you on your journey.

    When you start reading C of C you are going to experience a lot of different emotions. Emotions from anger to rage to laughter, because what Ray wrote is "truth".

    Before you even finish the book, you will know how we have been deceived for so long.

    Enjoy and be happy.


  • simplesally

    Like Franklin said, make a new support network. Next time your neighbors want to have a BBQ, Go! Or invite your neighbors over for dinner of a bbq.

  • desib77

    Good for you....


  • seeitallclearlynow

    That's all wonderful, confusedjw. Must be a real relief!

  • xLaurax

    Well done mother i'm proud of ya! You keep takin them little baby steps and ul make it!!

    Btw does that mean that now i get presents from ya when it's my birthday seen as though i'm like your chid? lol.


  • Sassy

    it's those baby steps that are the hardest confused! At least to me they felt like it!

    Your on the right track! Kudos for doing so well!

  • acsot

    Good for you! If you look at my older posts, you'll see I went through the same thing, very nervous and tentative first steps at hanging around with "worldly" people, but it gradually gets easier.

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