The Truth About Marijuana

by Obviously Secret 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    confusedjw said:

    The BikerChic said: ((((((( shudder - biker chicks really scare me by the way ))))))

    LOL yeah I'm really scary! To clearify I'm a cyclist now, however in my earliest biker days (Harley's), my early teens was when I experimented with pot enough to know I really loved it, I loved it so much it scared me, I'm glad it scared me and I didn't continue to use it. I knew too well what an addictive life style was like and wanted no part of that for myself and my future 85 kids.

    Life ain't for the faint hearted and I would like to add to that I would rather do life sober than stoned anytime.


  • roybatty
    That is an interesting perspective on alcohol. I have never heard it called a food before.

    I'm not a dietian (sp?) but alcohol has calories and you body does metabolize it, so I'd say it is a food. Again, it depends on how you want to use alcohol. Personally, I enjoy wine. A good steak with a glass of merlot, awesome. Some pasta with a glass of chanti, great combo. Wine, like any other food, can be enjoyed in moderation without any harmful side-effects. The same can't be said about smoking mj. Obviously is you smoke mj every once in a great while the negative effects won't be as great as the person who smokes a pound a day.

    Now, if you want to compare someone going home and drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels to someone going home and smoking mj, ok, I can see a connection. Personally, I see a closer connection to someone going home and eating a ice cream for dinner every day.

    Ummm, kay, I won't tell you mj doesn't do any harm. And since you are not interested in reading the medical research, am I to assume you would rather just use your high-school experiences to make up your mind on this issue? I say that sincerely, not sarcastically. Being of a curious nature, I would rather know the facts.

    Like I said before, if someone wants to go home and smoke pot in their own home, I have no problem with it. But saying that mj is just like drinking or that smoking mj doesn't kill brain cells is like the tobacco companies saying smoking cigs doesn't cause lung cancer. Anyone can pull numbers from the air and make them say whatever they want. I'm not just using my exp. in high school. I remember those in college who smoked pot (regularly) and even people I meet during my daily activities. I know people who smoke a cig. every once in a great while and the only time I really see it effecting them is when they're at the gym working out. I know other people who smoke a pack a day and I hear them coughing like they have a chicken bone caught in their throat. The same is true of people who smoke pot. A friend of mine is the owner of a large engineering business. He says he smokes pot once a year when he's on his annual fishing trip. I wouldn't have guessed. Now, there's a kid who works for him who smokes pot every weekend. His brain is mush and he has the memory of a bucket with a hole in it. But, in both cases smoking pot killed brain cells. Question is, how many brain cells are you willing to kill in order to enjoy pot? I don't know about you, but I need as many as possible!

    BTW, speaking of the facts as you put it, do you disagree with the posts below?

  • talesin


    The steak and glass of merlot is sounding really good right now! Are you talking Porterhouse? Medium rare, please.

    This is interesting ... so I've written you a book. J/K (it is a bit long)

    Do you mean the government statement above? Yes, I believe the stats. And they are proof both that you and I, although our viewpoints differ somewhat, are right. Cool, huh? The War on Drugs is a sham! It's not working! They have wasted money on it for 20 years, and where has it brought us? They are putting people in jail by the thousands for mj crimes. Yes, decriminalize, now, as Canada has done. What OC says is quite valid as well, imho. If it was legal, then the criminals couldn't make money off it.

    As for the reported medical findings, well I would suggest not taking the government's word for it. Go read JAMA or search the web to find the studies because, as you pointed out, the government and tobacco companies were in cahoots for years about tobacco. I also keep in mind that the government has an agenda. To defend the War on Drugs, which is a huge business, huge. So no, I don't believe any of the opinion parts of it. I say, go to the source to get the real skinny.

    You're right again! Take the money out of the criminals' hands. Let people grow their own, and get tough with large crack, coke and Rx peddlers operations ---> get the big guys!

    Actually, I wrote out a viewpoint, but thought it too long. It's a friendly explanation of how I feel on the subject, and why. I leave you to research your own medical facts. There's lots of info out there. :)

    It's a bit of a ramble ... just think of it as sitting here in Simon's pub, having that merlot ... listening to tal babbling once again ...

    This was for bikerchic, but for roybatty as well, and anyone who's interested.


    I get your point. I used to be in the choir. :)

    This might surprise you, but I left my first husband because he was what I would call a 'pothead'. yep Nicest guy in the world, but ... Every day, every day. Puff, puff. Sooooooo boring. *yawn* Wasted sooooo much $$$. *grrrr* buh, bye!!!

    heheh Tis true!

    Oy, I didn't touch the stuff for almost 10 years. I was sick of it. Just hated it, as you can well imagine. Now, I see it as an occasional thing, just as I do having a bottle of wine. I may have felt the same way about booze if I had been married to an alcoholic, many ex-spouses of boozers do.

    Ah, what changed my mind, you ask? Well ...

    Later in life, I made a circle of good friends. Successful ones, both in their marriages and their business careers. Most of them occasionally indulged, and I got to see the 'other' side. It's strange how life works sometimes. Then I realized, my ex had started at 14 (way too young), and was emotionally immature, just used it to escape the realities of life.

    What I would like to do is *let you into my head* so to speak, to promote mutual understanding, as opposed to trying to change your mind.

    ** Don't worry, it's not too scary a place, really! ** heheh

    Let me draw you a picture that might make a fine distinction. Then, think it over.

    You work with someone, let's call them X. Well, X is a closet drinker pot-smoker. She's a nice woman. But she's a little off. Although she performs her duties adequately, she is really a mess. She is always in crisis, has unhealthy relationships, and is always broke. After lunch, you can always smell booze drugs on her. She is headed for disaster!

    That person has a problem.

    What about the person that drinks smokes a few on the occasional Saturday nite? Are they to be put in the same healthy/unhealthy category as the boozer pothead?

    What do you think ...

    Does it put things in a different light? All things being equal (ie, decriminalized), there's a lot of similarities of abuse of a substance. Not specific to either mj or alcohol. And both (in the amounts described) would have health risks attached.

    We're talking about maryjane here in the context of adult recreational use, as opposed to abuse. From my POV, the example above provides clear evidence of the difference between the two, by its comparison of abuse of mj & alcohol.

    And truth be told, here in Canada, it is indeed, a misdemeanour. It has been tested in the courts, and will soon be law. There was yet another national news item this morning.

    --> So we do not have as much of a *stigma* attached to it as there is in the US. (Not so for coke, Rx drugs or others *bad stuff*.) I think that's why I am not embarrassed to talk freely.

    In Canada, I am not a criminal, so I feel no need to suppress my positive viewpoint. : ) Hmm, I thought about it. I asked myself "why aren't you nervous talking about this"? Then I had a moment. It's no worse than breaking the speed limit now.

    Yes, there are still people here who think it is a 'demon' weed. And there will always be studies supporting one side or the other. That's why you will rarely see surveys quoted in my posts. It's also why I suggest people web surf and read stuff from both sides of the issue, then make up their mind. :D

    The only article I chose to quote from was about the US Surgeon General's (?) office (I haven't looked back there to check). I thought it made a valid point on the subject of mj's original criminalization. And it's an actual document, not revisionist-type speculation.

    But note, the lobbies won out and the government made not only mj, but hemp illegal. A key question to ask re this is, Why? Is it because mj is that dangerous? The medical community didn't think so. Or is it for dollar purposes? What does today's medicine tell us about mj? Have you done your research?


    It is no greater sin than having a few beers or glasses of wine. You don't drive, you don't give it to kids, you don't operate heavy machinery, etc., etc. That's how adult responsible drinkers pot smokers see it. And, responsible drinkers pot smokers have no reason to be proud of it, nor do they have reason to feel ashamed.


    NO alcohol mj for kids - never - they are growing physically and emotionally. Neither their bodies nor their psyches are ready to experiment with mind-altering substances. The caffeine they are drinking, and the soda, and the chemicals they are taking in from our environment are already overloading their developing bodies.

    I'm sure on that point, we agree. :)

    So, hmm, I hope you can understand where I'm coming from. It's no big deal. Or at the very least, that you found it interesting, albeit deluded. : ) *wink*

    Is my steak ready??


    (ps, why do you think I wear shades all the time? heheh J/K ;D)

  • Crazy151drinker
    Instead of legalizing drugs like pot, they should just "de-criminalize" them. Again, why should I call if some dude or dudette wants to get stoned (or drunk) in their house. Doesn't bother me.

    That will not solve the criminal aspects of the drug trade. It has to be legalized in order to get rid of the cartels. At the same time you would have a taxible product.

    Im not going to sit hear and say "pot is good for you". MJ like any other drug alters the chemistry of the brain and heavy usage can mess you up.

    However, if we are going to base what is legal or illegal on how 'deadly' a drug is then Obviously Alcohol and Cigarettes need to be illegal. Drunk Driving alone kills 36,000 people a year. Cigarettes around 500,000 a year. That doesnt inclucde the violence and social problems associated with alcohol. The argument that 'pot hurts people so it should be stay illegal' is bullshit. The vast majority of pot heads are not violent. They sit around and eat. I know plenty of mean Drunks.

    While the FACTS on MJ were very imformative, I fail to see how MJ is deadlier than Cigarettes. While MJ is unhealthy to smoke, pot heads dont go through 2 packs a day.

    You have 2 perfectly legal and deadly products (alcohol and cigarrettes) but yet pot should be illegal?

    For those who support the 'drug war': Please tell me how it is any different than prohibition! Knowing that Prohibition FAILED what makes you think that the current 30 YEAR war on drugs will work? Have people stopped using drugs? Do you know how many BILLIONS we have spent on this war? We could have fed the poor, built some carriers, something- anything-

    Can someone please give me a list of reasons why MJ should stay illegal? Here is the catch- the reasons you give cannot be applied to alcohol or ciggarettes (ie it kill brain cells when alcohol does the same thing).

  • Crazy151drinker
    Now, there's a kid who works for him who smokes pot every weekend. His brain is mush and he has the memory of a bucket with a hole in it. But, in both cases smoking pot killed brain cells. Question is, how many brain cells are you willing to kill in order to enjoy pot? I don't know about you, but I need as many as possible!

    Like alcohol, MJ affects different people in different ways. My best friend is a pot head and is highly unmotivated to do anything (ie your stereotypical pot head), my other buddy is a raging pot head and has his P.H.D. Go figure.

  • talesin

    Sorry if the type is large. My puter is sick. :(

    roy, I forgot,

    Oh yeah, in all seriousness. I have never read any medical evidence about pot "killing brain cells". Is that something you have read/verified?

    Curious again. You have no idea how many times I was told 'curiosity killed the cat' while growing up. I always answer, 'yes, but satisfaction brought it back'.


  • talesin
    The vast majority of pot heads are not violent. They sit around and eat. I know plenty of mean Drunks.

    That has been my observation over the past 25 years as well, Crazy.

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    Everything I have read states that pot does not kill brain cells. The LD50 for THC is nearly off the charts, you would sooner die from eating raw potates than eating Marijuana. In fact no one has ever died, EVER, from marijuana poisoning. Plenty have died from alchohol poisoning.

  • gumby


    I know all sorts of habitual potheads. Most I know are as productive as the next guy. One manages a carpet store, another is constantly busy working outside on his projects, another has a great job,well kept home, and stays very active. Some fit the mold as described by some others here.

    I have noticed that those who sit around and stay stoned with little motivation.......would be like that even if they didn't smoke. Some are too braindead to be productive anyway for whatever reason. Some who smoke have to push themselves harder to not be lazy. Pot produces different reactions in different people as do all substances that are injested in the belly or the lungs.


  • talesin

    And on a brief (I promise!) personal note.

    Re, my defense of mj.

    I have fibromyalgia (FM). Two years ago, I had a severe recurrence which put my flat on my back in agony for 6 months. I did all the latest meds *once again* but had to go off them due to complications. My dr recommended mj, and it is the only pain-relief I had, literally. Nowadays, I am better. I defeated the FM once again. :D So I don't smoke much, or often. Only every few weeks or so, when a friend may bring me a small treat.

    I would like to see a more balanced view of it in our society. Perhaps if we had that, and the War on Drugs focussed on the more dangerous substances, then people like myself would not have to live in fear to obtain their meds. (and no, it's not easy to get a Rx in Canada)


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