by azaria 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • iiz2cool
    What reason could anyone have to regret having followed his conscience in taking a firm stand for Jehovah?

    People were not necessarily following their consciences; many follow the dictates of the WTS out of fear of reprisals such as disfellowshipping and the loss of family. The WTS likes to impose upon the consciences of people then later tell them the consequences of following their conscience is their own fault.


  • acsot

    I only recently read it also, after being "out" emotionally and mentally for about two years. I wanted to wait for sometime before reading it; I didn't want to cope with all the anger and bitterness the book would generate so soon after leaving the borg. It is truly horrid how those cold-hearted geriatrics play fast and loose with people's lives.

  • codeblue

    It is definitely a "must read".

    I grew up as a JW...but I never knew the "real history" of the WTBS....never been to Bethel...This book was very enlightening!

    I appreciated the frankness of the book and it was written without anger.


  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Compare Job 27:5) What reason could anyone have to regret having followed his conscience in taking a firm stand for Jehovah? By loyally upholding Christian principles as they understood them or by responding to the proddings of conscience, they proved worthy of Jehovah’s friendship.

    What they really should have said was " responding to the proddings of the collective consience of the governing body..."

    Example of serving the convoluted reasoning of man and not God.

  • LittleToe

    An excellent book, that I only read once I'd left the borg.
    It just supported what I had already come to realise, so I didn't feel any more strongly from reading it than I had previously.

    I lent it to my sister and she couldn't finish it, as it made her so angry, however.
    Next to get a loan is Bull01lay

  • ozziepost

    Downunder it was responsible for a whole group of us having our doubts confirmed. We would have periodic gatherings to review what we'd read!!

    Some things were new to us, in the sense that it gave us insight into the "whys" and "wherefores". Other things struck a chord because of what we'd seen first-hand at Bethel.

    I wish all readers well on their journey to freedom.


  • Farkel

    : The bolded part really upsets me; to state that it was God?s doing that these people suffered.

    A few years ago I asked my JW mother why God would let people like me be tried and convicted and sentenced for complying with the society's former policy on alternative military service.

    She replied, "Well maybe Jehovah allowed it to test you."

    I said to her, "So, you're saying that Jehovah lead his one true organization to preach and enforce a LIE so people like me could be tested? Why did he change his mind then, and have his one true organization reverse their stance on alternative military service, and never apologize to people like me who got screwed by them over it? Could it be that perhaps "Jehovah" felt a little bad about letting people like me get screwed?"

    She did not respond.


  • talley

    What really opened my eyes is the fact that they VOTED on all these matters. Evidently the Holy Spirit says different things to different GB members, or maybe there is no such thing as the HS!

  • tarzan

    I've read it from start to finish. IT s the best thing I've ever done. It really openend my eyes.

  • HappyDad

    I said it before and I'll say it again that Cricis Of Conscience should be mandatory reading for all current JW's and those studying with them.

    If it wasn't a "crime" punishable by death to JW's for reading something contrary to ....and the TRUTH about the "so called "Truth" .......could you imagine the exit that would take place?

    This book was a real eye opener and turning point in my exit and yes........I had to put it down and digest things at times. I have utmost respect and admiration for Ray Franz for doing the right thing.


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