Insight on the Scriptures

by stillajwexelder 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    Has anybody read Insight on the Scriptures -both volumes from cover to cover -- I have BTW

  • zugzwang

    my father was really into doing stuff like that. he even went so far as to keep track of how many times the word Jehovah appeared in the volumes and various other words and such. I personally only made it to page 17. The subject of Abel-Shittim. (Okay, I actually made it further but I just like saying Abel-Shittim. It was always fun to give a talk with the word Shittim in it. Oh well silly things amuse me.)

  • blondie

    I'm willing to bet you are male, zugzwang.


    zugzwang means

    A situation in a chess game in which a player is forced to make an undesirable or disadvantageous move.

    I have read Insight, volumes 1 and 2, at least once (probably twice). I would bring photocopies to the book study and WT study because I was sooooooooooooo bored. Should have brough a comic book instead.


  • codeblue

    No I didn't see the point in reading them cover to cover...."read god's word daily" was the logo I grew up on..." wtbs stuff ran 2nd...of course, because of that I wasn't very popular and seen as "unspiritual"...(How I dislike pompous so-called spiritual people)


  • Farkel

    :Has anybody read Insight on the Scriptures -both volumes from cover to cover -- I have BTW Had I ever did that and after learning what I know, that's something I wouldn't want to brag about! Farkel

  • blondie

    The second time I read it to compare it with the Aid to Bible Understanding (1969) publication. I found this discrepancy.

    ATBU (p. 533) (1969)

    "Later she gave birth to Abel as well at (sic) to other sons and daughters. At the age of 130 another son was born to her. Eve called his name Seth..."

    Insight Book Volume 1 page 772 (1988, 19 years later)

    Later she gave birth to Abel as well as to other sons and daughters. When Adam was 130 years old, Eve gave birth to a son whom she called Seth, saying: "God has appointed another seed in place of Abel, because Cain killed him."

    This was WTS way of showing that the gap between Adam's creation and Eve's creation was less than a year. 6,000 years of human history started with the creation of Adam but the end of the 6th creative day hinged on the day Eve was created, the last creation on that day. Thus the question, how much time elapsed between the creation of Adam and the creation of Eve which would determine when the 1,000 reign would begin (1,000 years after the creation of Eve and the end of the 6th creative day).

    I wondered how many other adjustments had been made.


    PS. Eve's age as 130 when Seth was born is mentioned here in 1965 but conveniently never mentioned again after 1975.

    w65 3/15 p. 171 Who Will Be Resurrected?Why?

    By being permitted to live longer and by not losing her reproductive powers at a hundred and thirty years of age, Eve could properly attribute to God her bearing of Seth, especially in the light of God?s words of sentence upon her.?Gen. 3:16.

    In 1976 they backtrack:

    w76 7/15 p. 437 Keeping a Balanced View of Time

    What, then, does this mean? Simply this: That these factors, and the possibilities for which they allow, prevent us from saying with any positiveness how much time elapsed between Adam?s creation and that of the first woman. We do not know whether it was a brief time such as a month or a few months, a year or even more.

  • Stefanie

    Read it Nerd

    And it was painfull

  • Badger

    Now, question two...

    how many of the elders/MS/former elders do you think actually read and understood it from your old congs?

    To me, those that would quote it were also the sort that would try to make conscience matters black and white with this as "evidence" to support it.

  • Stephanus

    There are worse things to do than to read a Bible Dictionary from cover to cover (at least when you are interested in the subject). And that's all Insight is: a Bible Dictionary. True, a lot more charged towards Tower doctrine than the others, and probably a little more light on in some areas, but compared to the other Tower literature, it would have been a breeze to read, especially if you like reading about people, places, events, etc.

  • Stefanie
    especially if you like reading about people, places, events, etc.

    Thats why it was hard for me..

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