My heart has been broken in two -JW- HE IS MARRIED!!!

by Karissa 76 Replies latest social relationships

  • Karissa

    : ( Thanks so much...

  • talesin

    You're welcome.

    Don't let @$$holes(tm Scully) get you down! You are much better than that.


  • bebu

    (Hey tal, Scully isn't an a$$hole!!!)


  • talesin


    no, no, no! I just stole it off her! heheh I thought it was brilliant ---> @$$, so I had to pay an 'hommage'. : )

    btw, I have noticed you making some awesome posts lately. Good Stuff.


  • bebu

    I couldn't resist teasing you, tal! I knew you were giving scully credit...

    (thanks for the nice comment! Backatcha, tal. )


  • Crazy151drinker

    Im not married and im single

  • Karissa

    I'd like a background check first please. lol

  • Flash
    I am not sure what to do at this point. I have tons of his clothes here which I will ship to him- What I am debating on now though is all the love letters, cards, and all the pictures of us together, do I send them to her? I know he is not telling her or the elders the whole truth. Should I send the proof or should I let this go?

    Send the proof!

    He has spoken to me alot about wanting me to find the truth. We have read the bible together and he had gotten my interest up in the JW faith. While he was in Texas (I thought.) I decided to study a bit with a JW neighbor- Wanting to learn more and wanting to surprise him with what I have learned when he returned.

    Accept Jehovah and His Son...Stay AWAY from His people!

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    My goodness. Tell his wife. tell all the elders. Ruin his life. Simple as that. Hate Dogs.

  • sandy

    Welcome Karissa. I am sorry for your pain. I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better.

    You will get through this. Focus on your daughter and yourself. This guy obviously has some real problems. In the long run you will see you are better off without him.

    It takes time but you will heal.

    SixofNine put it nicely:

    Fortunately for you, while "leaving him" might be impossible for you at this point, "meeting someone better" won't be difficult at all.

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