The Hitler Files. The WT had relations with UN. Also with Hitler.

by avengers 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • read good books
    read good books

    Don't forget 'Mein Kamf'' came out in 1925 and 26. And I have read the Masons in Germany were aiding Hitler, we have read about the Watchtower Mason connections on this board before. So how could Rutherford write a letter kissing Hitlers a-s with that kind information out there. (Didn't he watch Charlie Chaplin's film 'The Great Dictator' which revealed Hitler's persecution of the jews?) I think "something is rotton in Denmark." and New York.

    Thanks Lady Lee for organizing this information so nicley.

  • Bangalore



  • Phizzy

    That old comment about the Masons is rubbish, Hitler sent between 80,000 and 200,000 Masons to their deaths in the camps, he feared their influence.

    Rutherford was kissing Hitlers ass in the letter no doubt, and the admission that he went along with Nazi principles is a shocker, but it fits with his rabid anti-semitism.

    Nasty old Fascist drunk, Rutherford.

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