When Was Your Screenpicture Shot?

by GermanXJW 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Mine was almost 3 years ago, at Princess' apostofest. I guess I should find another one, more recent.

  • Sassy

    Mine was taken last month after I died my hair.. I took it specifically for making an avatar and seeing what people thought of the new hair color

  • Athanasius

    Mine was taken back in 1976, the year after Armageddon. Since we are in the New World now I haven't really changed much since then as those here who have met me in person can testify.

  • Elsewhere

    Around 1935

  • ohiocowboy

    Mine was taken a couple weeks ago. I used the self timer on the camera, and had to take about 30 shots, as my MUTT kept moving. By the way, I am not the blonde in the pic, I am the one wearing my good ole Jack Daniels cap!!!

  • Badger

    Last summer...after deciding to leave, I changed into the cute thing you now see!

  • Sunnygal41

    This is the real picture of me..........from the heart or spirit realm..........I call it "Raven and She"........you guess which one I am..........

    Terri Blue Raven

  • reboot

    I was taking pics with my new phone a few months ago and bribed Gadget to post it for me as i'm pc illiterate....it sums me up....I look like i'm on another planet lol

  • Bryan

    This is me in 1965, about a year and a half before my father - also seen - kidnapped me, and used theocratic warfare to keep custody. Took me over 30 years to find my mother. After looking for me for years, she finally attempted suicide.

    Aren't the elders great!


  • copsec

    Mine was taken last month at a day trip to wineries. It was just a random shot and I liked it and "some" people on here (you know who you are) were razzing my about my avatar (it was Steven Tyler of Aerosmith) so I put it on here instead

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