
by Big Tex 51 Replies latest social family

  • xjw_b12

    Geez Wiz BT. How do you guys come up with stuff.

    Do you know what I think is so neat about what you wrote. You and cruzanheart have been so open with everybody, both in person and on this DB. We know of, and have shared your life stories. The highs and lows, the good times and not so good times. So when you write that, we can totally relate to it, because in some kind of cyber-manner, we feel like we've been a part of it. Like an extended family. Does that make any sense?

  • cruzanheart

    It does make sense, and you ARE our family!

    Love to all,


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    After looking at the wedding picture I say you are both looking better and happier (if that is possible) now than you did way back when

  • Badger

    How sweet! your marriage can drink!

    Badger, of the wish he were that lucky class

  • codeblue

    How sweet!!!

    Happy anniversary you 2 love birds....


  • TrailBlazer04

    Happy Anniversary...may you have many, many more.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    That is wonderful Chris and Nina. You deserve each other.


  • kls

    And she is lucky to have you . Happy 21 more to you both.

  • cruzanheart
    you are both looking better and happier (if that is possible) now than you did way back when

    As usual, Lady Lee has seen to the heart of the matter -- on that wonderful day when I married Chris, I was sick as a dog. My parents had been giving me hell for a couple of years because when I turned 25 (two years before), I told them (very respectfully, of course) that I had no intention of still living at home when I was 30 and that I was going to figure out a way to have my own place AND continue to pioneer, because of course it would be a sin if I quit pioneering just to satisfy my need for a life of my own. They both lost it -- you would've thought I was 14, not 25, and they started arguing with me about every little thing, tightening the parental screws -- and always at mealtime. Once I met Chris and started getting serious, they had new things to harangue me about. By the time I got married I couldn't eat more than a couple of bites of anything without my stomach closing up and what I did eat I threw up almost immediately. I was literally staying alive by sipping chocolate milkshakes, which I would get when I was out of the house. On the day of the wedding, I was 5'8" and 107 pounds. Considering I'm now about 135 pounds (but I'm grumbling about that -- would rather be 128), you can imagine how skinny I was.

    Chris had also had his share of troubles that week. His mother and his mother's best friend (a bitch if ever there was one) were even the week of the wedding trying to get him to call it off, saying that I would always be under my mother's thumb. In fact, I was actually at our apartment moving in when that old bat came over and took Chris out of the apartment so she could again urge him to call off the wedding. Grrrrrr.

    Anyway, by the time we walked down the aisle, he'd had half a bottle of Scotch and I'd had two Valium. To our credit, we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that we were both doing the right thing in spite of the "advice" given by our families and so-called friends. I've never regretted my marriage for an instant. Now, the wedding, on the other hand . . . . if I had it to do over again, we would have eloped and sent everyone a postcard from Hawaii telling them about it.


  • WildHorses

    That was so sweet. Happy anniversary you two!

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