Marijuana for coming out of Mind Control

by frankiespeakin 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • exjdub
    In my case I have always been able to think much clearer while using it. I hear better, and see better. I solve problems better. Just cant remember shit, that's the draw back.


    ROFLMAO!!! That is priceless stoner reasoning: think clearer, hear better, see better, solve problems better...but can't remember any of it! I have been there many times and understand what you are saying quite well, so it really tickled me to death.


  • Celtic

    errrr hmmmmm ahem, bother, how do I say this without feeling, looking like right blinkin prat?

    Okkkkkk last night I smoked two ruddy joints, it got the better of me, and I quite enjoyed it too, but I don't half feel hypocritical today after what I wrote earlier in this post the other day now. But at least I said it. Too ruddy honest for me own good.

  • new light
    new light

    Very honest of you, Celty!!

    There are good arguments on both sides, why fight? Everyone must make up their own mind. Took some balls to admit the joints. I respect that.

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