Marijuana for coming out of Mind Control

by frankiespeakin 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    Here's another marijuana thread.LOL

    I believe marijuana was very instrumental in getting me free from mind control. That's how it happened to me,, I was at Randy's site (Freeminds) and reading an article on mind control,,,(when I'm stoned I like to read my comprehension seems to improve). ,,,As I'm reading this article it hit me like a ton of bricks I'm under f*cking WT mind control.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one but,,my mind works much better in "certain" creative ways while under the influence,,I 've heard of a person that is dyslexic and had a very hard time in school,,but when he was 14 he started smoking pot and found reading much easier,,worked on mathmatics easily while stoned. I'm sure this is not true in every case but only in some. My own experience tells me it is true.

  • Stefanie

    Um Is it really that good for the brain??

  • ApagaLaLuz

    In my case I have always been able to think much clearer while using it. I hear better, and see better. I solve problems better. Just cant remember shit, that's the draw back. I think it would great now to read the lastest issue of teh Watchtower high. Who knows what wonderful new insight I may stumble uppon.....

    Hey do think that's how Farkel does it?

  • Satanus

    I find that it helps me in being honest w myself about stuff. I tend to suppress stuff, so when i toke, it surfaces. Also, i realised what kind of stretches i should do to adjust my back while i was on the stuff. I am only an occassional toker, for theraputic purposes.

    To later remember 'revelations' while on it, i do periodic reviews, and focus on points a want to remember. Sometimes, i write down a bunch of stuff. Sometimes it's all crap.


  • Celtic

    My head tells me its a load of bollocks, anyone thinking that cannabis is going to help them get over mind control is goofy in the membrane, you need to get off that shit and as quickly as possible. I know I know I know, there ain't worse than a ruddy ex weed smoker telling ee how it is, but I too not so long ago thought as you do now, but its all bollickin load of crap, in the long run, this drug will insiduously creep up on you, and before you know it, all you're do is mong out all day and write fcukin crap, ask Valis, he knows.

    From Celtic who has given up his damn weed habit this past 10 weeks, ruddy bollocks it is smoking that stuff, you think tis waking up your creative side, but tis what you don't know, is what you ought be worryin' bout boy (mate).

    Tis ruddy bollocks I tell ee, smokin that crap, get off it and you're ideas and creativity will still shine through and clearer to, whats more, you're actually be able to act on your word rather than just staring into space without actually doing ruddy anything.

    Smoke cannabis longterm, be psychotic, fcukin great, nice one!!

    Get real, stop.

    From Celtic, a one time hardened drug addict, cannabis being the least of my worries. Now drug free.

  • ohiocowboy

    It makes me more creative, but the older I get, it makes me more paranoid when I do it. Could be from depression, but I do it far less than I used to.

  • new light
    new light

    Hey Celtic, how are ya?

    Let me say I took 2 years off cannabis and was once preaching the values of total sobriety. I was also completely brainwashed by Witnesses at one time. Why, once I even told you in chat that you need to stop smoking. I've changed my mind.

    After leaving the JWs, I felt OK hitting it once in a while. The thoughts while stoned have freed me from the JW dogma in a way I could not have even imagined just a few months ago. I do not agree with constant smoking, but respectful use of this plant has helped many get over undesirable personality traits and become better people in general. These people frequently take long breaks from smoking, enjoy the "sober" state of mind, get bored with it, then have a smoke and basically hit the "reset" button on their brains. Moderation is the key, as with most things. Complete abstinence from pleasurable, harmless things tends to lead to frustration.

  • logansrun

    Ah Celtic, I think you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

    Everything in moderation folks. Everything.


  • Dogpatch


    Must have "moused over" the picture at:

    lots of subliminals for the easily entertained, and some of the files there will deprogram you!

    Mind games for the 21st century:


  • Satanus

    The frequency of usage is the key. If you do it every day, it will turn you into a dog. Once a week, you never know. Once a month, totally different story.

    People who are habit formers or tend to be dependent/addictive are often the most rigidly conservative if they manage to break their habit. Look at w bush, for example. Often they get a new habit, like religion.


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