Did you ever get a W (Work needed) on a talk?

by desib77 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ciara
    I got one all the time for timing. I consistently went overtime.

    I consistently went undertime. I felt like such an idiot with those dopey dialogues that all I could think about was getting the hell of that platform. I also hated "working from an outline".


  • alamb

    I got my only W's from my father also. I had/have no idea why sisters had to work on timing. My argument was the sisters had NO need to have any sense of timing since we would never giver parts on assemblies, etc. and no presentation at the door was exactly 5 minutes either. How do you meet a stranger, get into the depths of a point, and then end in 5 minutes in real life?

    The other points were gestures. But my father would have his nose burried in the TMS book the whole talk and then say he never saw a gesture. Finally, I would gesture and pause until he looked up so he would catch them and everyone that knew what I was doing would giggle.

    Overall, I hated the school too.

  • Dawn

    umm....I can't even remember the subjects we were supposed to work on - let alone if I got a W..or a ...what else was there? I must be getting amnesia - or perhaps I'm just blocking out those past times...I dunno.

    I do know that I am now paid a pretty penny to do public speaking - so hey - perhaps I did learn something after all? I musta got G's on my gestures - and I KNOW I'm good at telling dirty jokes so what category would that be in? (he he)

  • simplesally

    I always got a G in the school.............

    I wish they were teaching more about that G spot though..........


    Ummm ... yes, I got W's ... but I forget why ...

    Thank you GAWD for letting me forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I feel soooooo blessed!!!!!

    *does a little dance*


  • simplesally


    Work on the dance............you get a W

  • DireStraitJacket

    The one time I got one, by random chance I was working on Timing. I only found out I was doing the talk 2 days before, it was the bible reading, so naturally I procrastinated until 3 hours before the meeting before starting on it. It was an excellent rush job, my bullshitomer was at full rev, and I quickly filled out 4 cue cards to use. Just after finishing the assigned text I noticed that I only had 3 cue cards with me, so mid sentence I just stopped, gave everyone a smile and walked off. There were some puzzled looks, the elder just said my 3:15 wasn't good enough and gave me a W. No-one mentioned anything about it afterwards. It got me wondering how many people in the cong. were actually listening to any opff the talks at all..

  • blondie

    I got one once on a talk that was fairly good. Five witnesses went up to the school overseer and asked why I got a "W." He said that he had higher standards for regular pioneers and that everyone should get a W at least once even if it wasn't deserved. Three of those people withdrew from the school.....


  • desib77

    Note to self: Dad now watches forum and reads topics......

    hehe, okay dad....I guess I can let the "W" go.....but no more...k?


  • Odrade

    Ha, actually you make me think of one of my good memories in the troof. Luna's dad (luna is my best friend and infrequent poster here) was the school overseer for a number of years. Possibly not so great in the dub-dad department (although take away the dub and he'd be a pretty good dad IMO.) But he was a fantastic school overseer. If it was your first time through the speech counsel slip, pretty much everyone got a G. You also got lots of good constructive counsel, but only a little bit from the platform, the rest after the meeting. If it was your second time through, he started handing out the Ws once in a while with an explanation and specific examples from the platform.

    He did this across the board and like a real school-teacher so almost no one ever felt singled out. If you were going thru the speech counsel slip for the 3rd or more time, anything was fair game. And he'd have a theme of improvement for several months running that everyone got counselled on, no matter what your personal subject was. For instance: one of his personal targets was adding a preposition to the end of the sentence. I got lots of Ws from him. AND I also vastly improved my ability in public speaking.

    In fact the caliber of speaking for the entire congregation went up considerably. He also started privately counselling the #1 and highlights speakers, so they all improved too. Plus, he was a superb speaker himself. No one ever fell asleep during his talks, no matter how big a lunch you ate before the meeting. I remember being astounded when I left home and moved to another hall how ghastly the Theocratic School meeting could be, and how bad the speakers were. The next two congregations were about the same (really sucky) and I realized that my home congregation was an exception in that regard because of that man. How I wish he wasn't a Witness.


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