Newbie here

by godlike 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • VeniceIT

    Hi godlike, welcome I've enjoyed a few of your other posts here and theink you'll fit in just fine!!!!

    Hi Craig, when did you sneak in here hmmmmm??? and how come you've been hiding from me on Yahoo???


    "To Be Patriotic, hate all nations but your own. To be religious, all sects but your own; to be moral, all pretenses but your own." Lionel Strachey.

  • Hojon


    My computer doesn't like Yahoo lately. The sound cuts out and I often have to reboot to get it back. Since everyone uses voice chat I get left out. :(

    I need to reinstall Windows, but first I need to save a bunch of files to a CD. I'm just lazy I guess. :)

  • logical

    You been having probs with Yahoo too?

    Its their new software... the old software was buggy, but the latest is worse than a Microsoft product.

  • WildHorses

    I tried to tell you guys in a post that paltalk has a better quality voice chat. No one ever listens to me. :(

    Also, the room there is mostly former jws and ticatoo doesn't take crap, but she is fare. I think you all might really enjoy it. We get new people there all the time, and have helped some people out.


  • unanswered

    godlike-glad to have you here. it's funny how the elders always talk about how sad ex-jws are, when the reality is so different. riz and i have been friends for a long time, and we've been having a blast(for the most part) since we walked away.:) looking forward to your posts.-nate

  • think41self

    Hi Godlike,

    Just wanted to add my welcome to everyone else's!

    Hope you have as much fun here as I'm having!


  • Cautious

    Hi Godlike

    Thanks for sharing your story. Hope you enjoy the board, I do

  • safe4kids

    Hello godlike,

    I too wanted to add my welcome along with everyone else. I left about 4 years ago (I think!)...time frames are a bit cloudy but I have truly been a much happier camper since I left. BTW..I was also raised as a dub...along with my sister who posted above (Think41self).
    We are the only two out of our family who left...but we have each other and that's enough. we have all the friends we've met on this board as well!

    Look forward to reading more of your posts...


    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • unclebruce

    Walkaway? You can do that?

    Welcome to the madhouse Godlike (whatever that might mean - there are a lot of strange gods out there ;)

    runaway unclebruce

  • mommy

    Welcome godlike, and Craig!
    I have not been on the forum of late, busy with life and all. But just wanted to say welcome to this insanity. The board has been a little crazy of late, but it is just the meshing of different personalities that needs to be worked out.

    Great for you to pop in. I am amazed how many different avenues there are for ex-jw's out there. I am soooo glad that newbies have a place to go. When I left about 9 years ago I was alone But now! Wow there are places all over the web. I am glad to be part in a forum that helps ease the exit for many.

    Welcome! And can't wait to hear more from you.

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