They found out we celebrated Christmas

by Mulan 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie
    if she was a Pioneer sister and was slated to handle and interview at this summers district conventions, and while out in service saw a christmas tree in the house of an Elder, come on most of us would have have made a bee line to the nearest elder to inform

    This reminded me of a situation a few years ago. There was a family that had faded away, just stopped coming. They lived on a street that had 2 other JW families. No one every dropped by or called, of course, until one day they drove by and the house was lit up with Christmas decorations. The one family drove to an elder's and told them what they had seen. He called the other elders and they selected 2 elders to call on the family.

    They drove up to the house and knocked on the door and a man came to the door with a big bushy beard. They said, "are you Ed Dropout?"

    Bushy Beard said, "Dropout? Why I bought this house from the Dropouts six months ago."

    Embarrassed, the 2 elders went back to tell the elders who jumped all over the family who "reported" it. Seems no one knew the appearance of their flock.


  • Fleur

    ugh, mulan.

    wish i knew what to say...just know that i love ya and if you need my ear at all you know where to find me lady! i hope the process (if there is one) will be as painless as possible.



  • Mulan
    I am so sorry that it has upset you so. Isn't it terrible what fear we have of men. That is all they are....sinful men. Please be true to yourself. There is nothing like a free mind

    One more time!! I am NOT upset. We are amused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Shutterbug

    TJ, did you ever hit the nail on the head this time. Apparently some little bug crawls into our brain when we are witnesses and disappears after we leave, only to return from time to time. In other words, they can only control us if we let them. Be that as it may I still have these control probelms from time to time.

    Good to see you posting again. Your name came up in Dallas and some of us were wondering what happened to you. Bug

  • allpoweredup

    Some Jehovah's Witnesses do peep through windows and blinds. Some do worse.

  • Princess
    Mulan..that's the last of your problems...I met your rowdy daughter this weekend.

    Shotgun, what happens in Dallas, stays in Dallas..kisses... Any chance he may have decided to knock and say hi...especially if he noticed your cars were gone? Good excuse to peep at the naughty Kings... If he is just now spreading the news, they probably aren't going to do anything about it. I wouldn't expect any visits as long as grandma is alive...they are scared to death of having to care for her.

  • JT

    One more time!! I am NOT upset. We are amused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    my bad, and that is the way we should look at them POOR SOULS

  • JT

    Embarrassed, the 2 elders went back to tell the elders who jumped all over the family who "reported" it. Seems no one knew the appearance of their flock

    ## EXCELLENT POINT but typically it is not until they hear that you have been involved in "wrong doing" do most elders come by

    including myself, they basic wt schedule is so full all you have time for is putting out "fires" not to much time to casually stop by to see how folks are doing,

    IT IS THE WT SYSTEM that they have in place to keep one running like the Hampster's wheel from the publisher, elder, co, bethelite, they have packed thier members lives with so much WT STUFF TO DO one has little time to stop and smell the coffee,

    that is why so many jw merely just tire ouT the do more do more wears them out

  • onacruse


    it has come to light that we were celebrating...Christmas.


    Mulan, I don't envy any elder that decides to take this up and cross swords with you and BigRed.


  • Farkel


    : One more time!! I am NOT upset. We are amused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    However, that doesn't mean you can't mess with them! If they even hint at a JC (since you've been inactive for quite a while) just whisper into their sweet ears, "Lawsuit. That means YOU. Personally. Your home, your car, your future earnings." Then you'll see what chicken shit cowards those glorious ones really are. "Jehovah" doesn't pay their legal bills, and neither do their religious masters in Brooklyn.

    Have some fun with them if they try to mess with you. Heck, the elders LOVE to mess with people but are shown to be the bully cowards they are when someone messes back with them.

    I wish they would mess with me, 'cause I will MESS THEM UP and make them wish they were never elders.


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