Put on your copywriter hats...it's ad time!!

by seattleniceguy 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • galaxy7

    are Jehovahs Witnesses really being baptised in the holy spirit?

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny
    I have tried several ways to disseminate counter-cult information.Look at my own site www.DannyHaszard.com I started out with a bundle of money and donated to various 'apostate' works in progress back in the early 1990's. Pre-Internet i used picket signs,bumper stickers and a 'squeal' letter to the tax authorities regarding the Watchtower's tax evasion. I still spend a 'bundle' on my various operations.From my chair what I see as a most effective strategy,is for someone to come foreword and offer to pay for placed advertising on the various search engines.That's the next step with the most bang for the buck. Whatever 'apostate' site is your favorite.


    (What's this?) ( Become a Sponsor )


    out of about 529,000. Search took 0.47 seconds. ( What's this? )
    1. Watchtower Bible &
  • Quotes

    (plugging my own site)

    Feel free to use http://quotes.watchtower.ca/ in the ads if you want; it is deliberately "neutral" and yet you can't read WT quotes withouit realizing how messed up they are!

  • Swan


    Whatever happened

    to Leo Greenlees

    and Ewart Chitty?

    Why is there

    no mention of

    them leaving Bethel?

  • ohiocowboy

    Wonder how much it would be if a bunch of people chipped in to run a few well thought out ads in a huge, widely read paper, such as the New York Times??? Or call some of the Major papers to run an Expose' on some of the things that are going on in the Org.

  • Corvin


    "Make sure of all things . . . "

    " Keep testing whether YOU are in the faith . . . "


  • scotsman


    Some good ideas here. Not so sure about the web address. Could raise the red flag of internet apostasy too quickly. Then again if you're target is liberal dubs it may well work.

  • seattleniceguy

    Great ideas from everyone so far.

    I appreciated the points about a web address. This is a difficult issue. As scotsman notes, a link to an obviously "apostate" site like freeminds.org will shoot up a red flag for every neuron in our hapless JW reader's brain. Linking to a more neutral site would be good, of course, and linking to a site in my control would allow some metrics gathering, which of course would be incredibly interesting.

    An email address would be nice because my eventual goal is to have a conversation, and it would also provide feedback on the effectiveness of the campaign. A disadvantage would be that I would surely receive a lot of unwanted mail and trolls as well.

    I keep coming back to a simple message, with no URL, because of its unadorned simplicity. The statement it makes is, "Look, I'm not trying to get you to come to my site, or give me money, or do anything else. I just want you to think." The anonymity of the statement gives it more power - as if a message from the Universe, rather than some person or organization. I think this effect is magnified when the message takes a neutral, or even warm, tone.

    On the content of the messages, I like Six's idea of speaking past the Witnesses, intending to be overheard by them. But it feels a little mean-spirited. And I am also concerned that the editors of the paper may put the kibosh on an ad campaign that so explicitly targets a religion. I think the more ambiguous form of messages - messages that may not be understood by non-Witnesses - is less likely to offend the editors and readers at large.

    Here are a few more ideas I've been considering:


    How would you react
    if you learned you were wrong?



    What is conditional love?
    Is it harmful or helpful?



    What is intellectual honesty?
    Are you honest in your interaction with the universe?



    In what ways has the growth of the human spirit
    been helped or hindered by religion?



    What does internal uneasiness
    mean for your mental health?



    In what ways is the phenomenon of doubt
    important to human survival and health?
    Why is doubt sometimes cast in a negative light?



    Do you see what is there?
    Or what you have been told is there?
    How can you determine which is true of you?



    What does it mean to directly
    experience the universe?
    Why would one want to do so?



    How does one's culture influence
    the way one understands the world?



    Do you believe that access to information
    is helpful or harmful?



    Do you know what ad hominem means?
    Why it is unacceptable in logic?



    Why are name-calling and labeling
    unacceptable in logic?



    Socrates states that the only true knowledge
    is recognizing that we know nothing.

    Do you agree with this sentiment?
    Why or why not?



    What do you believe is the import of the famous words,
    "Know Thyself"



    What do you think Shakespeare meant by the words,
    "To thine own self be true"



    On balance, is the world a better or a worse place
    than it was 100 years ago? 500 years ago? 2000 years ago?



    Which would you prefer to live in:
    Israel, 10th century BC
    United States, 21st century AD



    Do you believe it would be refreshing to
    live under the Mosaic Law?
    Why or why not?

    That's the kind of tone I'm going for. Not mean, not "stick-it-to-'em," just thought provoking. I guess I hope that I'd be able to be able to get a few Witnesses interested so that they keep reading and thinking, and not get scared off. Perhaps one theme that could help would be to include quotes from important thinkers, so as to encourage Witnesses to read outside books.

    Anyway, sorry for the long post. Please keep discussing this.

    One other thing: a few people have mentioned wanting to chip in. If you are interested in supporting the effort, I could set up a PayPal account and we could try seeing how that goes...


  • Mum

    Hi, SNG. I was still a JW when I read Wayne Dyer's book, Your Erroneous Zones.

    What struck me in this book were several ideas. The first was about the book, A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (may not be exactly correct title). Dr. Dyer makes the reader aware of Ivan's fear that his whole life might have been a lie, never listening to himself, ignoring his own hunches, intuitions and insights to be a blind follower of an ideology. I believe I visibly shook when I read this. It hit home!

    Dr. Dyer even went so far as to encourage the reader to all ideas, even those expressed at one's church or other religious meeting place. I felt such a burden lift from me when I read this. I was free to think for myself, and, in reality, no one could stop me. They could (and would) give me a hard time, but I would be "finding the truth inside of me."

    Maybe your ad could be worded in general terms, not addressed specifically to JW's. After all, Dr. Dyer did not mention any particular church, political party, or other organization in making his points. Nevertheless, he started me on the bumpy road to freedom.

    Best regards,


  • Mum

    Previous post had one word left out:

    encouraged the reader to question all ideas.


    SC / Mum

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