Do you think people are amazed you left?

by Sassy 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • bull01lay

    btw, as for you LT... you're just a ' webel '

    I have it on good authority that you're 'out to get me'...... he he he... can't wait!

  • pudd

    Hi Sassy,

    When I think back to the way I was 10 years ago, I would have readily died for my faith. I made many sacrifices and always worked hard as a pioneer etc, and would never have believed that I would ever have left. nobody that knew me then would have believed it either.

    In recent years though, and in a different part of the country I think it was obviously just a matter of time both to me and people that knew me well. I was fairly vocal about having doubts as I lived in hope that someone could help me overcome them. I also became irregular both in the ministry and at meetings so it was no big surprise. that didn't make it any easier to actualy make the break in my heart though.


  • LittleToe


    One life long *friend* did comment that 'you're not the man I thought you were. You never back down from anything', only to leave less than a year later, after running off with an elders 16 yr old daughter!!

    I remember hearing about that from afar.
    I was like

    btw, as for you LT... you're just a ' webel '

    Welease Woger...

    I have it on good authority that you're 'out to get me'

    Oh? Curious. I thought putting a contract on someone was a confidential business...

  • bull01lay


    Didn't know yer cared enough to pay someone to get me!!!

    The message got back to me from my ma... a family member of yours was visiting the old cong, and advised her to be on the watch, as you were after me!!! They didn't clarify in what sense though... sexually ? you did get me in a skirt, after all!! Aggressively ?? Har har har har har har har har!! LOL Spiritually ?? Don't we all need a little LT guidance now and again ????

    Cheers bro. Have a good time at the apostafest!

  • LyinEyes

    Yes I think that people were amazed , shocked and left wondering what in the world happened to make us leave. Both the hubby and I were life long , raised in the truff , faithful witnesses. I went thru many hardships while staying a JW, from my elder father's disgraceful disfellowshipping and all of that gossip, to my mother's suicide, before that her almost fatal ordeal with a bleeding ulcer as she stood faithful to the blood doctrine. After I got married, there were so many emotional issue I still had with my father and his wife( I still can not call her my stepmother), three life and death,,,,,( down to the last minute last rites) childbirths, depression, years of unknown physical pain problems.....I am sure they wondered what in the world "broke" me. Little do they understand that I was set free, by now I am sure they may think it was smoking a cig,,,,,that made me turn away, but those who knew me well, must know better. After all the crap I went thru , to stay a faithful JW, a cigerrette would not have been my downfall as some may think.

    The elders and higher ups know that we had doubts( in their eyes, apostacy) but I wonder if they really told the "friends" this, as they are always so scared to even speak of this, it may cause others to question what could have been such a strong issue for us to leave.

  • morty

    Naaaawwww, they always thought I was a Heathen on wheels...


  • Stefanie

    I know they are.

    One week he was giving the public talk and the next week I quit going. he told everyone I was depressed. The same week I quit going he called the elders and stepped down. One month after that I moved cities and never said goodby to anyone.

    I ran into a blabber mouth a month after that because I had to go back to the city to get my final check. I told her some stuff and sure enough, It was all over two congs.

    Three months after that my ex was DF. And they never did anything to me. My mom who currently lives in the city to take care of my granny says they always try to pry her for info so they can "encourage me".. even harrasing her at her job......

    So I think they were pretty shocked...

  • Larry

    Good Question. Yeah, they were all surprise. I guess the only sign was when I stepped aside as an elder, but still nobody would have ever guess I would have joined the army.

    But of course they reasoned these this is definitely the last days, and that more people will fall away from the BORG as we get closer to the end.

    Whatever - LL.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    I got kicked out.AKA ,"I got voted off the Island because I didn't sell enough Watchtower$"It was more like one of those stalinist purges.

    What has amazed my perpetrators is my sucess story as the: indomitable "Apostate Warrior". They all had me pegged as the prodigal son homeless drunken bum living out my last days under a bridge and sleeping on park benches.

    GOTCHA you bastards!

  • bull01lay


    They all had me pegged as the prodigal son homeless drunken bum living out my last days under a bridge and sleeping on park benches.

    I consider that a prospective career move compared to the gutter some dubs 'live' in!!

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