Austin Powers ... tell me when I should be laughing please

by Simon 46 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Leolaia

    If you want to see a damn funny movie, rent "Election" with Reese Witherspoon and Matthew Broderick. Hilarious, and in a smart way.

  • simplesally

    Simon, you saw the second Austin Powers movie...........the first one was funny. I hated the 2nd one. That fat guy, Fat Bastard, made me sick.

  • talesin
    Chill out, it's not meant to work at a deep level, watch some Python...

    Monty Python = satire

    I can't imagine comparing the brilliance of Python to the 'Carry On' type of silliness that is Austin Powers. I like Myers (the Married an Ax Murderer movie is too funny), but Python is in a different class.


  • Angharad
    but Python is in a different class.

    Yes, the two cannot be compared in my opinion! Monty Python is excellent.

    I didnt like AP either, from what I saw of it, I fell asleep

  • FlyingHighNow

    Mike Myers: you either like him or you don't. My boyfriend doesn't like him. Sometimes I do like him.

    I liked the three movie Austin Powers movies because my parents took us to see all of the Bond movies as well as the Flint series. There are even things taken from Casino Royal like the chair that Dr. Evil sits in. The red phone with the funny ring is a twisted version of the phone Flint used to call the president with.

    There were a couple of things and joke I didn't appreciate about the movies. I didn't care for the Fat Bastard character and his potty humor. Potty humor is rarely funny.

    I agree that Dr. Evil is the high light of the movie. You have to have seen the 60s and 70s spy movies for some of the jokes to make sense.

    Simon, if you didn't care for the second movie you probably wouldn't like the first one. But the second one would not make as much sense if you didn't see the first, first.

    By the way Mike is a Canadian whose mother and grandmother hail from Liverpool.


  • Badger

    Stefanie: We need to give six a beatdown if he shows up at the fest...

  • EyeDrEvil

    Well, I have to weigh in here.

    Sure, the Austin Powers Series is low-brow humor, if there ever was. I hated the second one on a first viewing (I walked out and watched something else), but it has grown on me.

    BUT, there are bits and pieces that are just so stupid that they are ridiculous. The spoof opening of the 3rd flick had us rolling in the aisles (Tom Cruise as Austin, etc).

    I did take my screen name from Dr. Evil -- he is such a boob. He is probably the best part of the series, except for the inside jokes from the Flint/ Bond flicks. Those, plus Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach doing an impromptu duet in the second film.


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