Being a Teenager in the Eighties.....growing up

by ScoobySnax 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    Breakfast Television, Pop socks, fingerless illuminous green/pink gloves, Wham, Duran Duran, Tears for Fears, Depeche Mode, Betamax v VHS video-recorders, legwarmers, EastEnders, white socks, new 20p coin, Ford Escorts, leg-warmers, furry dices, rubix cubes, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Pac Man, Atari games system, Space Invaders, lava lamps, fibre optic lamps, Swing-ball in the garden, Twister, etc etc

    The 80's I loved it. My past.

    Whats your memories?


  • copsec

    I LOVED 80's music and still do. Every weekend one of the radio stations in St. louis does a "Way Back Weekend" and plays all 80's music and I just love it.

  • Dan-O

    Having hair down to my shoulders rather than sprouting from my shoulders.

  • copsec

    ROFLMAO Dan-o!

  • ScoobySnax

    Being the first kid in my class to have whiskers in 1983........Who was the daddy!! (I thought)

    Scooby Puby

  • Leolaia

    Lace galore, rouge, Roger Moore, Los Angeles Olympics, Weird Al "Eat It" premiering and everyone talking about it at school, a bygone age when Michael Jackson was actually cool, Di wedding and thinking the Prince doesn't really love her, Cyndi Lauper's masterbation song, getting blown away by Raiders of the Lost Ark, thinking 1984 was going to be Armageddon and not having to graduate, hearing a Bethelite propose to his gf by pulling our emgagement ring from his Kangaroo shoes, loveable dirty-talking Dr. Ruth, Smurfs!!, Madonna looking like my best friend (even having a mole in the same place), the food fight to end all food fights, etc.

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Baby bottles, little booties, baby powder, early forms of pampers, watching my family go through their problems... Oh wait.. I was 0-2 back then lol.

  • ScoobySnax

    Princess Diana, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Frankie says Relax, Top of the Pops, Remote controlled cars, Frisbees.......

  • ScoobySnax

    NightRider, JR Ewing, SouthFork, Metal Mickey, Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galatica, NationWide, World of Sport, Big Daddy v Giant Haystacks, Shoulderpads, AIDS, TV-am, The Written Review, 5p meal tickets at Conventions, Selina Scott, Paper-Rounds, milk bottles, school satchels.

  • frankiespeakin

    Late 60's early 70's

    Woodstock,,Led Zeppellin,,Jimmy Hendrix,,Vietnam,,Timothy Leary,,Angela Davis,,MalcomX,,Pet rocks,,Ed Sullivan,,I had a Dream,,Do your own thing,,make love not war,,no HIV,,Man lands on the moon,,bell bottems,,minni skirts,,no seat belts,,.....

    Edit to add an answer to scoobs comment below,,"who really give a shit".

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