What gives you your spiritual high now?

by poppers 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz

    In all seriousness though, for me it's exploring the many things that this great earth has to offer. I love to travel. I love when I'm in a new place with new experiences. I love nature. I've learned to take a few minutes and take my surroundings in. To breath, and feel the energy around me. Sometimes going to the beach and just staring at the tide. I marvel sometimes at the strength of the earth, and it's people, and it's cultures. That is what gives me my spiritual high.

  • Valis
    Plucking poor, innocent, defensless, god's creatures from their natural habitat while wearing really big pants gives you your high?

    yup! Sincerely, District Overbeer of the "Fisher of Fish NOT Men" class

  • talesin

    I love this question!

    Actually, I can't honestly recall ever feeling 'spiritual' as a JW. It was more like 'busy' and 'guilty for not being good enough'. Really. No sarcasm intended. For years after, I felt like Sassy said, spiritually numb. What is spirituality? How do I feel it? I just couldn't get it.

    Then I realized one day when I was in the country, walking by the ocean, that I had found my place. When I smell the ocean, hear its waves, see the osprey fishing in pairs on a fine summer's day, or listen to the howl of a blizzard, I just feel the power and wonder of nature.

    Even where I live, in the city, I can get this feeling. I wake up in the morning, and hear the birds singing 'good morning, talesin', so I look out my window and watch the birds; robins, grackles, pigeons, crows, sparrows, bluejays, they are all here every single day to remind me of the calm that comes over me when I immerse myself in the flow of the earth's energy.

    Every time I go to the country, I just feel like flinging myself to the ground, spreadeagled, to soak up the good energy and say "thank you, mother earth, for giving me all this wealth of nature". (I like to hug trees, too. I know they don't hug back, but it just feels good.) heheh


  • poppers

    Talesin - I definitely relate to your experiences. I feel that religion often (usually IMO) gets in the way of spirituality. I get a "high" just walking down the street, watching the trees piroette as I pass by. I find nature to be the ideal place to experience a deep sense of wonderment; and to me that's best and purest form of spirituality. Nothing, outside of man, strives to be other than what it already is. For me that's the key - just "be" what I am.

  • new light
    new light


    like to hug trees, too. I know they don't hug back, but it just feels good.

    Hugged my first tree last week on a whim. I agree.

  • Bubbamar

    I found my spirituality in AA - That program really helped me let go of my old understanding of a critical, harsh and punishing god and to develop a real spiritual relationship with the loving force in the universe. These days I KNOW that God is real, loves me and listens to and answers my prayers.

    But what gets me high spiritually?? Hmmm -

    Love, beauty in nature, my niece and nephew, Santa Fe, running, helping others, good conversation, really good coffee (well, that may be a chemical high ) to name a few things.

  • talesin

    poppers, new light

    I'm so happy you understand.

    There is one other thing that gives me this feeling ------->>>> MOZART

    Sometimes, when listening to his music (piano), I just close my eyes and I can see a trickling stream, a forest glenn,,,,,,, ahhhhhhhhhh! It takes me away.


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    So,what am I now?? I like to say I am an 'Honorable Humanitarian'. Got a nice ring to it. Humanitarianism is just a throw back to basic Christian altruism. Just be a nice person for now. I think I would still like to die saved, considering I made a really heavy investment (in what I thought was) Christianity.

    This altered state of ambivalence is normal, a sort of temporary spiritual limbo. Know this!! GO INTO THE WOODS A MILE, IT WILL TAKE YOU THE SAME TO GET OUT!! I was in for 33 years of it so go figure the same. For us especially, for it is a 'crusade not a cakewalk'.

    Danny's 'humanitarian creedo', I like it. No longer lost in limbo.

  • Evesapple

    I remember when I used to go hiking in Arizona.....one day I reached the top of this mountain...I think it was the Superstitions....it was so quiet and peaceful and serene. It was a Sunday morning, and I told my hiking partner...'people are in church right now finding God, but this here....how much closer can you really get to God but right here...right now'.....That is when I realized, to have spirituality, it is not found within a religeon or by following its dogma and teachings...it's found within....and everything that surrounds you.

  • willyloman

    As we are all discovering, it is AMAZING once you "get out" how simple it really all is. As a dub, I used to get defensive whenever people would claim to be spiritually centered or some TV interviewer would say, "Boy, you're a very spiritual person, aren't you," and the brainless twit would say, "Yes, I am. I'm spiritual."

    Now, of course, I realize who the REAL brainless twit was.

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