It doesnt sound like an accident!

by Stefanie 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stefanie

    Mother Finds Baby Dead In Bath Tub

    Woman Leaves Child In Tub To Check On Kitchen

    POSTED: 8:22 am CDT May 19, 2004 UPDATED: 8:26 am CDT May 19, 2004

    HOUSTON -- A 1-year-old Liberty County baby died Tuesday night when its mother went to see what was burning in the kitchen.

    Liberty County sheriff's deputies told News2Houston the baby died after the child's mother left the baby in the bathtub when she left the bathroom to find out what was burning.

    When the woman returned, she told officials she found her child dead.

    Deputies have called the death an accident.

    No way man! That doesnt sound like an accident. I have a 22 mo old girl and ever since I have been bathing her in the tub, I would never ever leave her alone. I dont even fill the tub, I use the running water like a shower for her. Even if I have to check on something I get her out and take her with me! This kind of crap gets me angry!

  • desib77

    That is horrible.


  • undercover

    I don't have children, but I know better'n to leave a baby unattended in a bathtub of water. If nothing else she should be charged with negligence.

    In the movie A Beautiful Mind, there's a scene where Russell Crowe's character leaves the baby alone in the tub and the water is filling up. Very scary scene. I'm sure it made every mother who was watching cringe.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I agree, Stephanie.

    Nope, not an accident at all. Unless the woman is a nut job!!!


  • Stefanie
    In the movie A Beautiful Mind, there's a scene where Russell Crowe's character leaves the baby alone in the tub and the water is filling up. Very scary scene. I'm sure it made every mother who was watching cringe.

    OMG Undercover, when i saw that scene I literally got nausiated.

  • somebodylovesme

    Awww that is so sad. I agree... sounds like the mother is negligent at best.

    I've heard the horror stories of kids drowning in mud puddles or buckets of water... it is scary!

  • heyfea

    I think the woman is nuts. She should have used the kitchen sink in the first place. The tub is way too much for a one year old.

  • sunshineToo

    Hmm...yeah, she doesn't look too innocent to me, either.

  • TrailBlazer04

    A one year old in the bathtub??????? My kids didn't make it into the tub until they were 2...and even then NEVER unattended...the kitchen sink worked well until then. Even after they were older, I was always sitting "on the pot" watching them splash...

    Well, no accounting for some folks' actions.


  • Cassiline


    A lot of judging going on here with a minimal amount of facts. It is horrible the child?s mother did not think? Absolutely! Do we know if perhaps there was a fire and she panicked and ran or panicked and ran to assure the child did not die in a fire but instead died in the tub?

    It's a horrible MISTAKE on here part which cost this child their life. I'm sure she feels like shit and then some. Lets not burn the lady without more facts.


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